Modders Assemble!

I will take my time and write a proper comment later, but while reading people’s comments I have to chime in on this one:

Ideally the affix transmutation system should allow modders to not only target pre-/suffix, but also the augment and smith bonus layer of an item. Those are the four stats that we are currently able to alter via our essence system in the leaugues. Also we had some problem with some of the stats changing their values even though the item’s seed remained unchanged. That seemed a little inconsistent, maybe this issue can be resolved.

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Yes I didn’t know this was possible, I added it to my suggestion comment.
For augment, currently applying a new augment overwrites the old one.
So adding this feature would allow to craft exclusive augment created only when rerolling items, encouraging the player to reroll his item to find the right combination of both affixes and augment in one craft.

Here we go:

  1. AdditionalProjectileFXModifier please. No more Fire Strike with fiery visual effect while dealing cold damage. Also make it work with Savagery/RF type of skills.

  2. Probably these two gonna come along with the new mastery, but always good to reinforce it: Add new slots for item skill modifiers and for animations on male/female_pc.dbr (mainly on 1h melee weapons array)

  3. In addition to what Okami said about autocast skills. Not only prevent crashes while using them on item skills, but also make autocast skills being not recognized as a devotion skill when used on mastery skills. So players can attach devotion skills normally. Make item skill modifiers being able to affect them is too much to ask I think.

  4. Some secondary skills can have their damage converted by item skill modifiers, like the explosion on enemy death from Ravenous Earth. However, the radius visual effect can’t be changed. To make all secondary skills being able to be affected by item skill modifiers (stats and VFX conversions) would be cool. Vire’s Might e.g. has a lot of damage conversions by items, but the same trail of fire kind of breaks immersion. The same happens with Primal Strike + Torrent. Probably it’s a lot of work, but this feature would be game changer. Even adding it as a feature for the next expansion maybe.

  5. This is a very particular/selfish one. Make life steal to work on Siphon Souls skill template when used by player scaling pets. Just like it works on the buff attack radius used by Soul of Lord Nazaran from Blood Knight set.

  6. Increase number of item slots on loottables from 99 to… Whatever is possible. 150? 200? The higher the better.

  7. Add an option to templates of active skills and modifiers: Can’t receive points from “+1 to all X class skills” - True/False.

  8. Add an “Exclusive” option to transmuters, preventing players to choose more than one of them when two or more transmuters are linked to the same skill.

  9. Add Freeze to the damage conversion list, so it can be converted to “nothing” like we can do with Stun.

  10. Hairstyles replacing helms on Illusionist for Mommy Berserker /kappa.

Well, just that.

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Here we go, a few more.

  1. Add weights to SR maps.
    Here is why I think it is needed. In the league we added boss rooms as regular levels. I call them repeatable boss rooms. They are not many, depending on the shard it is 3 to 5 maps. But given there 60+ maps they are not that common.
    Weighting would solve that, plus it will be easier to have more than one rule set, where all the maps are there but the weight is different.

The way we initially handled it was by having each repeatable boss room listed more than once, basically the same as weighting. However there was a bug that if the same map was selected twice within the SR’s 6 or so last maps the next level would not load.
Guess, an alternative would be to have the code check if a map has already been played recently and reroll, or have the weighting created internally based on how many times a map is listed.

  1. Again for lua, you favorite… something that would be nice to have, but not that needed.

I think a function that retrieves a quest tag given a partial string will be a good addition.
For example if I want to read which is the highest level players have reach in scalling SOT dungeon, i would have a tag like this dungeon_sot_37. However to read it I would either have to start checking from 1 and up or max level and down. Or i would have to do a binarybsearch for the tag, which is an alternative.
Would be nice to have 2 functions to help with the above.

  • for example this will accept “dungeon_sot_” as paramater and return me the tag mentilned above + true, or null and false
  • for example thia will take “dungeon_sot_38” as paramater and save it. It will also remove dungeon_sot_37

Again this is a nice to have.

  1. Spherical trigger volumes, for GD2 at least.

  2. A clense ability for monsters that removes buffs. Nullification would normally works, but it must have a radius specified and would affect the player!!! Ideally if radius is 0 it should work as self target ability.

Currently some bosses have a low hp skill that grants them immunity to CC, however the new resistances do not take affect if the player keeps freezing them. Might be a bug or intended.

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Man, I am teaching myself entry-level game dev. I would love to learn modding but I just do not have the time. I work 13-14h some days. I do love the mods the community creates. One which I did not have the time for yet is RoT. I can see the passion in the mod. Grimillion I play to chill and Dawn of Mastery I go tryhard mode :yum:

I could just linked to my old post but it’s all about tools, so barely will be implemented.

So. Here some things I wuld speak.

  1. Templates compatibility.
    1.1 Transmuters (mainly conversion) attached to main skills doesn’t work on secondary skills (skillsecondary_*.tpl). Same time basic modifiers could affect several skills by listing after each in skill tree (Ulzuin’s chosen, Nidalla’s Hidden Hand). More over Granted skill transmuters/modifiers could be attached to secondary skills and works (mostly) correctly.
    It would be neat if transmuters wll began affect secondary skills at least with multi-modifier scenario.

1.2 Secondary skills vs. WPS. Mostly secondary skills could not be triggered by WPS, while skillsecondary_onkillattackradius.tpl does (I faced that within my last D2Classes patch).
So next wish, make all secondary skills tempates able to attach to WPS

SR Charged buffs. Currently charged buff template works only with potion skills in SR (Shattered souls) and doesn.t work correctly within mastery. Buff aplied with max stacks and don’t expire.
And I would like to see skillbuff_passivecharged.tpl work correctly with mastery skills, espetially secondary buff, hen you can get buff stacks with consistant attacks.

  1. Projectile template.
    2.1 One of projectile people want to see in game is D2 Frozen orb. Unfortunately No one projectile template doesn.t allw that. Any flying projectile have not additional damage triggers, and AoE projectile (projectileareaeffect.tpl / Sigil of Consumption) vice versa have damage interval but can’t move - there is no Velocity parameter.
    May be we have some chance to see projectile that fly and trigger damage with time interval.

2.2 Orbiting Projectile always spawns at character position even it uses as projectile fragments. May be we will get option to cast orbiting projectile not only over character.

  1. Dual action buffs
    There are most fantastic point, probably will be adressed to GD2. Blood of Dreeg, Pneumatic burst and Word of renewal was designet due to engine limitation as is. But probably with upcoming GDX3 there time to implement it dual action. Classic Buff template have parameter where buff type assigned.

    Such template could expanded for 2 buffs: passive one and active one… May be…

UPD. Almost forgot.
I have several localization fixes. When is the last moment I can upload it, or how it can be included in 1.2 release?

Game indifferent what skill used as Granted modifier: modifier/transmuter/secondary modifier. You just can assign your Secondary modifier to aegis and it will work correctly.


That’s…kind of irrelevant to my situation, but true.

That exactly situation you describe

Modified skill - aegis1
Modifier skill - arcanemissile4

I have no issues with getting the skill to work. It operates flawlessly as intended.

What is not without flaws is the User Experience when it comes to respeccing in the mod.

Edit: Unless you’re suggesting that an item can assign a skillsecondary to a skill without it being in the class’s skilltree, which has not been my experience.

I’m not suggesting, I affirm. You just assign skill_projectilemodifier.tpl to skill_attackprojectilechain.tpl via Item and don’t have problems with respeccing in mod.


I install playtest at last, and noticed, there is not only missed text_ru.arc, but also game no more pick translation from localization folder. Please, could you keep the ability to take localization from the archive.

Players who stay on 1198 will also want to use the 1198 localization as well because 1200+ won’t fit and the “more languages” option is no longer available.

It took me until now to test to confirm but this does indeed seem to work. Thank you @DenisMashutikov .

Still, there remain edge cases where having hidden in-mastery skills is desirable. So my original wishlist of having a skill blacklist for respecs remains.

Follow up modding requests:

  • It’d be cool if deleting a folder in AssetManager actually deleted folders (and their subfolders/contents) that weren’t empty. As it is, you need to delete non-folder contents and then individually work your way up the chain of directories from the deepest point.

  • I’d love a skill template that was essentially the inverse of Cadence (because we ALL know how much I like Cadence) - something that applies a stacking/charging debuff to an enemy (or a player…hint hint) and when those stacks reach a certain point the stacks are consumed and X effect triggers. The way I’m envisioning it is an offensiveX only buff template (e.g., no defensiveX/characterX stats) with a charge counter not unlike Cadence/Savagery and the offensive stats applying to the affected entity when the charge limit is reached. Bonus points if skillsecondaries could trigger off this effect, too!

11 - Also, something that always bothered me. Make damage conversion to automatically detect which damage type that comes next has a DoT version and uses 100% of it while converting DoT’s from the previous damage type.


Converting 100% Elemental+DoT’s to Aether and Vitality will split the base damage into 50% Vitality/Aether, but 50% of DoT will remain as B/E/F and only 50% as Vitality Decay.

This issue can be noticed on Allagast’s Stormbinder scepter, where it converts TSS Cold damage to Aether and left huge amount of Frostburn damage behind. The perfect scenario would be the scepter converting 100% TSS Cold Damage to Aether and Lightning, with the game turning all Frostburn into Electrocute, since the set is based on Aether/Lightning builds.


12 - I’d be glad if the “attack projectile orbital” template could work properly when used as active mastery skill. Currently, the projectiles disappear after using a rift, ladder, cave entrance, etc. They kind got stuck in the area where the player was before and can’t recast the skill for a while.

Having Lua messages in the console is great

I would like versions of player:HasItem and player:TakeItem that ignore equipped items

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Here’s a couple of ideas I had today, and throwing out some stuff that I’ve had on my mind for a couple years now…

  • Boolean for 1h weapons to blacklist dual wielding for that particular weapon. Alternatively… maybe a way to dual wield 2 handed weapons, or at least use one with one hand and a shield in the other.

  • A new passive/threshold buff. Instead of simply granting a buff at X% HP, always grant the buff but at various thresholds, magnify the effects of the buff. 100% HP the buff is at it’s least effective, while at low HP (w/e value input by the dbr) the buff could be much greater, maybe comparable to how Savagery has it’s multiplier for charges. Multiple charge levels for hp thresholds would be cool too. (This also seems like a thematic skill for a berserker)

  • In a similar vein… a duration buff that can stack with itself. Kind of like a castable endless buff? I guess similar to what Denis was asking for earlier with SR Charged buffs that can be used without potions.

  • We’re getting potion mods later on in Fangs DLC iirc, I hope this includes skill modifiers for modders to play with for custom ‘potion’ masteries…? If not, thats something I’d like to see too.

  • Skills that can trigger on block, like a wave, a nova, or projectiles. Maybe a secondary effect like Spectral Wrath that only triggers on block?

  • % Health Reservation. % Active Health Cost would be a fun mechanic for vampire classes or something, flat health cost is so negligible most of the time. Also while we’re at it, % Energy Reservation and % Active energy.

  • New CC related debuff templates. We have Trap and Freeze, why not add Taunt, Petrify and Trap too?

Also I wanna echo what Okami said earlier about the regex scripts that cleanup unnecessary clutter from DBRs. I used those scripts a few months back and it’s night and day with the performance changes to Assetmanager for big mods like Grimarillion. Building the mod without that can take up to several minutes, even opening directories in AM will take up to 20 seconds. (affix/item mod folders). If it’s possible for AM to run these regex scripts it would be incredible.

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Yessssssssssss dual wield 2 handed weapons lets go

maybe the easiest solution is to modify dbr files for 2 handers and make them one handed so that should be easy ?

We’ve already had that done in D3 mod for years already, it’s not a solution and easy to exploit

oh i see