Mods and Steam.

Is it possible to set up a similiar system as they use on Steam with Torchlight 2, where you “subscribe” to the mod in the workshop section and play it that way?

Setting up a Steam Workshop has to be done by the developers. While I would love to have it, I’m pretty sure Grim Dawn’s current mod system doesn’t really make it practical without a non-trivial amount of developer work. Maybe down the line we’ll see it, perhaps with the expansion?

would it just be unpack your files into a folder into the \mods\ dir ??? is that not a simple API operation?

In a word, no.

Yeah this is all there is to it when it comes to distribution. I’m not sure what sort of things need to go into setting up a workshop hosting, however.

im guessing steam itself does the hosting/

and then the developer provides some sort of configuration for their game.

im actually curious now

also for the gog users-> you can download workshop mods without a steam account , just google it. there is a link parser service that will do it for you.

log in with your steam account

at the next page choose the option on the right. agree to those license terms and click ok

“Learn more about creating a Workshop”

Basically its saying that steam just requires you to have setup an alternate (specific) place to dump the mods and for a way for the game to know about it. that cannot be difficult; someone showed me that there was some proto code hidden in the .exe that allowed for alternate mod folders already.

the way grim dawn looks for mods is a \mods\ or other dir and then each subdir there is a mod. this ia problem for steam since they want to have perfetly unique IDs for each mod.

simple problem/solution? I think so.

just have a GUI launcher before loading grim dawn, to choose the \mods\ path based on the “installed workshop items”. with “manually installed mods” as the default option (grim dawn\mods)

this seems very straight forward. i suppose the only caveat is the lack of GoG integration; not sure if its legal for a develop to include a work around to download steam workshop items (it exists)

Yesh and that page says that steam does the hosting

A little offtopic… but what is your username from?

2nd in command of the cult in dragon’s dogma game

I think workshop is a great idea to help the modding community flourish!

I’ve talked to some people who are wary of anything that isn’t given to them via the “approved channel” which for them is steam. even though nexus and GD forums are perfectly fine. even getting / downloading / installing a mod from here / there is hard for someone who is purely a gamer.

Oh and here I was thinking it might have been from Gwar.

holy cr*p i havent heard the name gwar in years! YEARS

anyways to get back on topic.

i scoured the forums i couldnt really find aynthing except one locked thread on steam community where zantai mentioned that they might do workshop eventually… maybe that is why there is a vestigial function in the .exe for choosing the mod folder?

Just so it’s clear, I’d absolutely love workshop support, it’s a huge boon to the modding community and longevity of the game. I honestly would rate workshop support over something like the Crucible, and I’m a kickstarter backer!

I think the steam updates are more visible than forum updates people will go nuts if they see “workshop”