
Hello, I would like to know which mods I should use for when I start playing GD again after the Forgotten Gods release.

I don’t want mods that deviate from the vanilla game at all.
As I don’t have that much time to play, I would like a mod that increases the drop rates and so on.
Any quality of life mods (or mods that make the single player experience better) also appreciated.

If you’ve got any ideas, please make a comment, thank you for your time and help. :slight_smile:

None. There’s not a must when it comes to playing GD.

Well it does need a few for me, I just want to make it feel better lol

there is mods for bank size increase, auto loot crafting items, increased hero spawns (which is alternative to increased loot) or other xp/drop mods. This is just a few options im not going to name the mods as you can easy view them on the mod section but those are what I would suggest if you want to stay true to vanilla.

You basically want to look for QoL mods (quality of life).

You don’t need any. This game has generous drop rates.

Get GD stash and make any item you want if you dont have time to play