Modular building hell / monster update

I think they’re mutated, killer possums! Possums can be kinda scary, you know.

…awesome work! I’m loving the “look” of this game as the screenshots flow forth.

Nice update.
I can not wait to get the game in my hands

good work crate! especially the albino version. seems more like a werewolf to me, but alas, it must die!!

Good results. :slight_smile:

I want to kill one and stuff it for my teddy. :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope they come in large packs for wholesale slaughter too. The more the bloodier!

and full instructions too, we don’t want any accidents do we?

but yes, we want lots to kill, lets hope its so

Awwww… How adorable. Although I reckon these will be quite a killing machines… :stuck_out_tongue:

Great to have an update! Always makes the overall quality of day quite a bit better!

MMmmmMMMMmm! Wererats! Twisted goodness!

I have a question: will randomness be used along with the modularity to create some random interiors? For example random dungeons, basements, etc.? Coupled with some random item / chest / monster spawning, it would add greatly to the suspense of entering an new interior, without a-priory knowing where to look first. Gosh! It reminds me of UFO :smiley:

I don’t have accidents brother matt, if I stab something it’s because it has angered the Gods or because they were blaspheming.

pets knife we love our job too don’t we Mister Slice?

… don’t look at me that way. All religious leaders are slightly unhinged. It’s exspected, so that when we go crazy with power people are scared witless and follow simply to avoid being the recipient of our insane wrath.


Cute little wererat. I just want eat it up. :smiley:
I appreciate every little step towards helping modders.

Those trees look alive…you sure no Ents snuck in while you weren’t looking? :smiley:

That’d be pretty creepy. Please include this!

Creepy tree-Ents who do nothing until you’re on top of them, then they grab you.

I share your pain Medierra, I am doing two very tedious design projects for tech class.

Amazing! I can’t wait for this game!