
Been playing it recently and somehow clocked 50 hours already.

Anyone else?

This game is stupid fun. It’s enjoying to mash people’s face in. Too bad I don’t know how to block properly. Also accidental friendly decapitation.

In case of heavy hitting weapons try to delay your blocks until the last moment. That would improve your resistance to feints and morphs. Also you can block anytime after you made an attack, with exception of riposte.

Yeah, this game is simple enough to jump right into. But advanced enough to learn all the mechanics. In the heat of battle you just want to swing your sword and smash as many opponents as possible.
I believe it was Kotaku’s report on the steam reviews that made me buy this game. And now my friends also bought it.

Ironically, despite the overall skill level of players growing up for the past month, it is still possible and efficient sometimes :rolleyes: