More conversion options in FG?

I’m currently getting my head around conversion and conversion based builds. I just wondered if in FG there’ll be more conversion options added on gear to make a wider variety available. For example for converting cold damage to lighting, there’s only 1 legendary weapon (plus it’s mythical variant) which is Spark of Ultos and then there’s the Ascendant Pauldrons MI which is it.

In a game with such variety of masteries and the abilty to convert damage types too, it would be really great if there were more conversion options so we can mess around with even more build mixes. Especially with FG being the last expansion, if would be great to add even more variety to build options even after the updates stop.

Ashes of Malmouth added plenty of new options and variety for conversion in skill modifiers and global conversion. I think it’s safe to say that we will see new ones in Forgotten Gods.

I hope so! I look at some builds and go “oh I’d love to try this!” and then there’s no gear to actually support it. When I was looking at Oathkeeper I thought it would be cool to try and make a cold variant, as it’s baseline is fire, just for fun. Sadly there is not real gear options to support such a build. I hope to make some wacky stuff, even if it’s not the best build in the game.

I am wondering if we will be seeing conversion from / to bleeding damage.
I don’t think there is any at the moment.

I think the same can be said for internal trauma, right? Would love it if it could be converted into another DoT type of damage so you can make a pure “arcane warrior” style build with soldier.

As far as I know, the engine does not support Bleeding conversion in any form currently. It is something they have to add in if it were to exist.

You can already do this. Direct damage conversions also convert the corresponding DoT. For example, Beronath, Reforged will convert Burn, Frostburn and Electrocute (as part of “Elemental”) over to Internal Trauma (as part of “to Physical”).

As Evil_Baka said, there’s some kind of limitation that prevents this conversion. Even modders cannot add it sadly. Honestly I’d rather just have ALL bleeding dmg expunged from the game and replaced with IT, just rename IT to bleeding. Done, problem solved.

Oh really? When I’ve asked before I was told that the internal trauma on a skill doesn’t convert. So on Cadence for example the internal trauma damage on Deadly Momentum doesn’t convert. Same for forcewave and stuff.

No, the IT on Deadly momentum definitely gets converted, it’s just the % internal trauma modifier does not.

Unless you’re talking about the conversion from Discord, which case I’m not sure anymore.

Take the item Mythical Handguards of Justice

These convert all IT to burn on blitz and forcewave.

Just one example. Any %phys -> something will do this, as long as the something has a dot type.

Sometimes a node on a skill (such as the burn damage on FS node Explosive strike) won’t convert due to the skill coding. But I don’t think I’ve read of a soldier skill that has this issue.

What you were told might be referring to Physical converted to Pierce, Aether or Chaos. As none of these have a DoT counterpart, the Internal Trauma remains.

Thanks for clarifying! :slight_smile:

Oh ok thanks. I don’t remember it being specified the damage type. People just said IT is it’s own damage type, not Physicals DoT, and doesn’t get converted. How does it work with discord? Because discord turns the physical to elemental, but elemental doesn’t have a dot, as it’s made up of all 3 elements right?

Elemental dot is 33,33% burn, 33,33% electrocute and 33,33% frostburn

Oh fantastic. Thanks for the clarification! I can now think of some builds a different way.

Even simpler, make bleed the dot for pierce. I’ve wondered why this was never done in the first place.

prolly wasn’t done for technical reasons, like armor piercing issues or something.

Tbh I would just take out piercing too though… but that’s really not the point for this thread, nor an argument I’d be willing to have with anyone.