Can we have more inventory stash bags ? There is way more then enough room to add at least 3 more bags, if not more.
Also the actual stash chest could also use some more space, why have to create another char or stash items in other program tools…when u can have them in real time in game.
Also that auto-sort button could be a lil WAY more FAR from the actual stash tabs.
Well…simple…for items…i keep every item that i dont already have, and if the item is mythical(blue or purple), or uber (lvl 94 with no myth form items), i will keep even 5 of the same item. Why ? For trade ! For Collection ! For Good Rolls, even if mine is better, i like to collect items.
And i have only 2 chars, and i will maybe have 3 or 4 max in time…thats it…
Also whem I join or open a trade party, i want to have all my items for trade on same char, so i dont have to change chars to find 1 specific item…
I just said i dont want another program tool to store items, and how to mod it and use it in normal campaign with my already existing chars and play with normal people ? i dont think u can…
I am a compulsive green hoarder and even I can’t imagine using that many stashes/bags. I just sucked it up and started using GDStash to tuck away the really neat ones and made hard choices on the others. God forbid anyone ask you to do a bit of inventory management.
I fail to see how even more stash spash would really help tbh. Going beyond what they already have would necessitate a search engine…and which is exactly what GDstash provides. Searchable infinite storage.
Maybe so, but u have to alt-tab and search for the item, put it in stash after, go back in game and get it…but if u play the game, u should know how items look and find them easily if u sort them by type…
This question keeps coming up and if the OP actually bothered to look, rather than just constantly spamming every single thought to change GD into something else, then the OP would see that Medierra has stated that the limited stash space is “by design”, “fully intended” and if you want more stash space then USE A BLOODY MOD !!! (my phrasing)
Grim Dawn will not be adding multiple/unlimited stash pages.
Yo…Virgin Airline - u have more replies in my threads then even me, or anyother peron, u gave a comment 12 hours ago, and came back to reply after ur own comment…cause u cant leave my ideeas alone…again…it’s not cause u dont like them…u dont like the fact that u do like them…and u start crying in every thread…just mind ur bussines and find a girl…maybe u have less time to comment nonsens in every comment/thread…
And if the devs dont read the ideeas - that is for them to decide…not a sissy cry baby like u
This isn’t the first thread you’re insulting him. You have every right to post here as he has every right to criticize your opinion/view/ideas
If it bothers you so much then don’t respond to him or report him (although his behavior is in-line with forum rules and he is actually being civil imo). Insults won’t do anyone any good
If you don’t want people posting because they disagree with your views (which they have every right to do) then instead of childish insults at them post in the no reply section as that’s only seen by devs/mods.
Btw the OP is right, why crate don’t expand seriously the stash if they can ? Just because game can be modded or be used with third party software? For me it seem a bit ridiculous.
Isnt sorting items, crafting, trading, and anything else in the game that doesnt involved killing…also playing the game ?
Sorting which i think is to be done only once…and thats it…by type…dunno what else more…if u have them al sorted in a fashion u like and want, u will remember where is what…with more tabs u can have 1 tab for chests only, 1 for boots, one for jewelry, and so on…it would be imo more easier than using other programs outside of the game, even if they are approved by the devs…