As i said before i dont like harry potter , i also dont care if its wand or whatever i just would like more ranged weapons
Look… i put this info togheter according to
Im not saying we need to have as many ranged weapons as melee and as it was mention there are tons of ranged skills its nice yeh im not denying that but still look how many weapons can b used as melee vs how many can be used in range…
So yeh will repeat again… i dont quite care much i like grim dawn for what it is but i still find this a bit silly… i wish we could have more ranged stuff in the game!!
again, they are functionally the same
what you’re after is an item that’s functionally different, and that just doesn’t fly per the theme, and possibly also per the pet orientation
there isn’t 1200 “different” melee weapons, there is 2, 1h and 2h, just like there is for ranged, because, as i mentioned before; there is no functional difference between a mace and an axe, so calling them different is not really apt
My point was that if im trying to make a melee character i will have an easier life finding an item that fits the build i want… that wont be so easy if im wanting a ranged char… afterall there is two times or more melee weapons in the game… ??? so im gona have to go for more skill oriented char i guess, in some cases.
Also just as a side note: i found your harry potter joke funny… but so you know, I know magic shooting wands since ultima online and i know ultima online way before i knew harry potter
again, that’s not really anything todo with with the slot; but what devs “want” us to have
you don’t not have a pet pistol because there are few pistols; but because devs (for whatever reason) didn’t think we should have one
again, you’re conflating both function and slot with skill/build archetype allowance
easy example might be going for stuff that do exist on both slots instead of stuff that doesn’t
if you want a pierce melee build; you’re basically forced into swords (few daggers) because devs decided this to be the “thematic” piercing slot, so any item outside taht that isn’t sword is because devs specifically wanted a bit of “off-brand flavour” like the one piercing axe and mace we have
then we can compare it to pistols; pierce ranged exists, but since it’s not gated off to an entire slot means they can set pierce pistols for the specific/“direct” build orientations they want, and thus allow 4-5 specific pierce ranged weapons but no more
doesn’t mean there is really that many more pierce melee builds than pierce ranged, just because the entire sword slot is focused on it, because there is still only the amount of pierce swords devs wanted us to have; and with the exact skill focus they wanted us to have
^and if we then want anything other pierce related, (like my pierce stun jacks as example Purifier, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator) we then have to make up our own within the fixed item pool and limitation there is set/available
since devs then determined X theme for ex pistols, and they are functionally the same, means there might only be 5 fire pistols; but those 5 are intended to cover the fire gunner range, and since all 5 pistols are functionally the same it would only be a matter of skill point difference, since fire shooty with A would still be shooty as with B, only on a different class support
Since guns were then decided to be 90% attacker oriented, means spellcaster guns will be fewer/fit a more narrow niche amount; because that’s what devs decided to allot us in terms of coverage, so perhaps we only get 1 cold caster pistol “total”, and if you want a cold caster using a pistol you might then be “forced” into that 1, or similarly like pierce jacks get creative with how you use another pistol not purely dedicated/intended for it
this then translates the same way to both pet guns but also pet hybrid itemization/support; devs allow us certain things/slots/item pool availability “for whatever reason”, and there is/has then been both part theme and part mechanic/build effect put into that, or as i mentioned earlier; if devs wanted us to have a pet pistol, they would have created 1 for us
(or if they wanted the pet rifles to be “good” they would have made them good/better )
i never said you dont make sense all you said made alot of sense to me… and i agree with most of it …
i just find it silly limitations ruining my fun and prolly of other peopel who would like to make a gun pet build!
making me wanna use skills i dont like because i cant have a decent ranged weapon for my pet build!
but hey thats just my opinion, devs should know better what to do in the end… and i will find my fun where i can or go play something else when it stops being fun
again i just would like more options = more weapon choice = more builds = less limitations = more fun… is all i would like
but i guess maybe i gona have to learn how to mod and create my own weapons if i really want to have fun with my pet character then
grim dawn discord modding channel: Discord
general helpful folks around there that often don’t mind providing tips
*ofc also modding section here on forum
but yea, in general modding/altering items is on the simpler side in terms of stuff to do
obv an approach one can do is is just “copy” the stats/tables from an existing item/pet melee weapon onto a pistol, that way there also wont be much impactful game balance changes/no “OP” mod creation happening
you can also mod the game in such a way you can still play crucible etc with it, called basemods, but still need all team members to have the mod if wanting to go multiplayer
well i just wanted to play my pet build with savagery skill and a gun and i just went test it with crap gun i fast made and i got good increase in dps lol not to mention the build way more fun to play now then having to use that other skill i ddnt like so im happy for now… thx for the discord link anyways i will check it some time
ty for the build but i wont check it im really old school i hate build sharing it takes out the fun of the game for me!.. i do my own build and test them out
And is still one of their largest mistakes - an opinion I held way back when that misadventure was released.
It always bothered me that so many scepter-wielding foes in Act 1 launch a projectile befitting of their faction. The Cultists of Ch’thon most readily come to mind, with their little Chaos Bolt projectiles.
Scepters have always felt out-of-place/unnecessary. The selling point for daggers was that they were a melee weapon whose base damage types were non-Physical; this, however, was intruded upon with the release of the game’s expansions, in which a handful of Swords/Maces/Axes got non-Physical damage.
So what’s the point of Scepters, then, when Daggers have already lost their unique flavor? Do we really need two melee weapon types that don’t do anything special?
i kinda dont understand too sometimes… and i mean overhaul limitations… expecialy in a mostly offline single player game that can be modded. not to mention an arpg, where more weapons often would mean more build variants = more fun = longer game longevity / replayability… i have some m8s who dont wanna play grim dawn either cause no proper online or weird weapon mechanics so they either go for poe or even sucky diablo… and its kinda sad but hey as i said i still enjoy the game my self alot!.. i just really wish devs would give us mroe weapon choices for all the existing builds
also just came to mind yeh and might be a bit silly tought but… a guy who can mod can have fun in this game but a guy who cant is very limit to what devs offer, i know its liek that in many other titles yeh and im not saying modding is a bad thing… it just feels unfair that now i can hf with a good pet gun but someone who cant mod doesnt get that chance! if you know what i mean! but yeh they can learn how to mod too i guess if they really want
anyways whatever guys, thank your for the chat / debate etc really apreciate you all as a comunity and i hope devs makes the best decisions!