Bows, staffs, wands that actualy shoot projectiles, etc etc… any weapon type that aint in game yet would be welcome id say always nice to have a wide variety of choices and " play styles "
harry potter really ruined items for games huh
I dont quite like harry potter, but i still would like to see wands shoot stuffs
That was ruled out long ago.
So was 10th mastery.
No, Crate just said any 10th mastery would have to be in an expansion rather than just adding it on its own.
All good, I dont deslike GD less because of it… tho i really like games to have the widest variety of weapons possible
Tho in grim dawn sometimes i feel a bit forced to swap skills or weapon because only ranged weapon for caster is the pistol/shotgun… so per example lets say im a shaman using savagery and i want to stay ranged at all times… i need to be using a gun/shotgun… if im using dagger, savagery will engange in melee… so i feel a bit like im gona drop savagery for some other skill so i can always stay at range… but then i dont have a ranged default weapon attack skill so i cant proc certain passive/activation skills…
this just small example anyways
and why i would like more variety in weapons expecialy caster weapons, and why i mentioned wands that shoot projectiles
But yeh i still dont deslike the game and i think theres still wide varietty of choice so all good
sounds like you’re mixing up stuff, both mechanically, but perhaps also a bit build wise
“you don’t need savagery” unless you’re really a savagery/AA+wps build - you don’t need it to proc stuff nor to stay at range unless you’re specifically building a savagery AA+wps build.
mechanically it also wouldn’t matter if wands existed and got you projectiles; because you can’t bind anything to it, you can only bind stuff to skills - and build wise it would be highly suboptimal to take a wand just to have a ranged wps, because then you’re taking wps and wasting the investment in the build without an actual DAR. And any point you’re switching to “blank” AA and not using your actual build’s oriented skill you’re also holding yourself back.
you might be right when it comes to top builds but your missing my point…
i should build a class the way i want and not according to any top meta… i feel a bit restricted like i pointed out above… mostly due to lack of weapon choices… so in my opinion the more weapon types a game as the better, the more choices a player can have to do diferent builds that work out for them…
to tell me i dont need “this” to do “that” is a bit like telling me how to play a game that i bought yeh and should play the way i want and mechanics allow ofc…
Also how many melee weapons do we have in this game vs how many ranged ? I always felt a bit down when it comes to caster weapons… but do we even have much range options :P?
then again dont get me rong i love this game and this dont make me deslike it, still i would like to have more options when it comes to ranged weapon picking.
not what i said, never said you had to build meta or only go by meta, i said you’re doing stuff that’s both technically suboptimal: but also not intended
that’s fine; but what you want then also muddies the game itself because you specifically want “unfitting” elements that clashes with the mechanics and style of the game; you’re then forcing something so hard to the point of becoming a drawback for you, instead of accepting what the game and its style is
the same, because mechanically they function the same, we have 1h ranged 2h ranged, and 1h melee and 2h melee; there is no functional difference between a sword and axe - seems like another mixup you’re making there
will give you another example… my english is bad and maybe you understand better where im trying to get at… i got a conjurer pet build of my own on wich i can reach sr 81 atm with ease… but i hate to be on melee range with it and i do like to have savagery to increase a bit my own bleed output from veins and other skills… thing is the best weapon in slot i got atm is a scepter… and again i hate mele on that build… always trying to b at max range… so having savagery kinda gona suck… i wish i could find a equaly good ranged gun for my pet build but cant… so i swaped from savagery to another ranged skill just to proc me devotion skill for pets rather then being using savegery… the other skill sucks tho and i kinda hate it xD
so yeh i wish i had more options… i dont care nor follow meta builds !! i make my own stuff
again, because it’s not intended
yes, and it would still suck even if you had a gun,
other skills proc devos better tho
again, this has nothing todo with meta, pet hybrids is not well supported in GD because pet builds is more intended to like, do their own little thing, you’re not “supposed” to go in and clash with savagery with the little sceptre; that’s why it’s a stat stick for pets. - you’re “supposed” to stand back and watch your pet destroy stuff, i feel like the game/itemization is trying to hammer this home with how few pet guns/rifles there is (aside from how bad the few there is are)
well if i had a gun and could use savagery i would increase my own dps a bit xD… yeh not much… cause most damage comming out of my pets… but still would b nice adition rather then use skill i hate and does bassically no damage…
then again you still doing the same and telling me how i should play my class… you an i have prolly alot diferent play styles
either way nvm going way off topic,dont want to ruin post with my bs
again, i’m not; i’m telling you what the game is suggesting of you…
for the 3rd time; this is not about meta, i mostly don’t build meta stuff myself, but we still have to somewhat accept some of the confines of the game
^this is the same reason why you have builders argue for X, like longer pet distance on wind devils, but devs wont do it because it adds a layer/effect that devs straight up dont want for a build. Just like we got patched out item swaps effects etc etc, because while the game does afford a lot of freedom, there is still elements deliberately in to restrict us in some slight way or another - if devs wanted you to have a pet pistol it would exist in the game…
yeh m8 i know how it goes this is not my first arpg… we can only express how we fell about things… its up to devs to make decisions… but devs cant also forget they not making a game for them selfs
if you want a ranged attack option regardless of item type, try the skills from seals like Seal of Destruction and Seal of Skies. Then you can put an illusion on the weapon that looks like a wand and voila
yeh thats kinda what i been doing ofc as i said i do think game offer wide variety of choice
but still i wouldnt mind seing more weapons types, expecialy ranged caster stuff
Like Medea said wands were ruled out so probably ain’t gonna happen but maybe FoA will introduce some more caster offhands with their own active skills (like for example Obliteration), maybe even something that fits a caster/pet hybrid playstyle.
yeh i read it as well i wasnt asking anything per say anyways
was just stating how i felt about it.
I like grim dawn for what it is despite the issues i see in it
its still unfair from my point of view you can have so many mellee options in terms of weapons but for ranged you got two or need to stick to other skills… but it is what it is
and that’s why i made the Harry potter joke, because it seems like that’s where it stems from/people didn’t have issue with earlier games having normal wands ex Diablo2
but ever since Harry Potter “now wands must shoot magic bullets” in newer games released