Most efficient way to assemble Sets in AoM

Some of you know that there is a feature in GD which prevents (or at least drastically reduces) your chance to get a double item drop in the same game session.

Seems this is applicable to Crucible as well - i have kept doing the same Gladiator crucible session over and over again, did over 100+ wave 150 clears and indeed you dont get almost no duplicates. So at one point you will get what item you are looking for (though i didnt but i guess i am cursed).

I managed to assemble almost all sets in the game but still missing the Warborn shoulders for which i started all this.

I was going to continue do it but at some point the game started to lag immensely and it even crashed the session on one of the crucible restarts.

But the conclussion is - it works (just alt-tab once done and put your PC to sleep), its fucking boring but the obscene amount of drops in AoM as well as the complete randomness forces you to play in such a way if you are to get a set for a specific build in the next year.

Or just use GD stash…

But since i play only self found had to resort to this.

Anyway - shoulder pieces are quite rarer than the jewelry pieces at least according my sample (600+ legendary drops during this session).

People have said crucible drops loot the main campaign won’t drop but that wasn’t really my experience. I had 1500 hours before AoM came out and had completed probably 8-9 different sets, including warborn. I traded for justice helm and crown of the winter king and then found recipes for both later.

If you haven’t found warborn yet that just seems like really bad RNG :undecided:

Also it seems like recipes drop a lot faster in AoM. Hasn’t been out long I already found recipes for like 5 legendary headpieces, along with 8 different component recipes and an army of blue/purpl/yellow recipes.

I don’t think that the chance was increased. The thing is with AoM the recipe pool expanded by like 40% or something. This combined with the way recipes are dropped (checks once for a second drop if you already had the first, no visible drop if you already had both) creates the illusion of an increased drop chance. I too had almost all recipes before the expansion and as a result recipe drops became stupidly rare. Now there are dozens I don’t have and so I see a lot more drops. Game’s playing mind tricks on us :wink:

Not so sure about that… I deleted my save folder (including recipes) and got back to near full mythic relic recipes REALLY fast. Like only 1 nemesis even unlocked fast. I do think the drop rate for recipes is increased somewhat with AoM.

This is interesting, but honestly I would just trade instead of doing that. It’s so much simpler.

that was kinda the feeling i got. no real proof of course, just my gut feeling lol. but it’s nice to semi-expect recipes to drop again. even when it’s something i don’t really want it’s like OMFGRECIPEEEEEEE

Enjoy that feeling while it lasts.

Because it won’t :slight_smile: