Yesterday, I was jumping through walls in Devil’s Crossing to get to the stash quicker when I accidentally clicked on the Ilusionist. Since I almost never use this NPC, I decided to stop and take a look. That’s when I noticed that there weren’t any legendary helms to choose for the illusions . Well, it could be the case that since this is only my 3rd hardcore character and the 1st to reach level 90+ I may not have dropped any legendary helm yet - I thought, then went to check the softcore side. There I found 3 options “Krieg’s, Ravager’s and Vanquisher’s Helm”.
And that is when I discovered (or maybe remembered) that 95% of the legendary helms cannot drop, but must be crafted… I hate crafting!
Relics are fine since it is one slot and every relic (with the exception of those 3 from the Rover’s quest) is crafted. But it is a pain that half the components cannot drop and this thing with the helms.
For a while I thought that so many blueprints for legendary helms existed only for people who are tired of farming and for set transmutation specially. Now it makes sense why all my level 100 characters use blue helms . Good thing that I am using a MI (Ascended Casque) in the character that I am currently playing and MIs I can just farm .
Hey, welcome to game and forum. Probably better off posting in trade threads; although to be honest you’re better off trading for the helm directly or asking someone to craft it for you.
Exactly, all components should drop! Maybe restrict the high level ones to bosses/nemesis/celestials, but make them all drop.
A few days ago I changed 5 gear slots on a character and the amount of back and forth from the Stash to the Blacksmith was insane .
“Which component options do I have stashed for this gear slot?”
“Are there better options in the blacksmith?”
“Ok, I had the best option on stash.”
“Oh no, it’s the last copy of the component. If I spend it, I won’t be able to quickly look at all the options in the future. So let’s craft another one.”
“Ops, out of crystals, time to teleport to Warden’s laboratory to quick grab some while my gear is a mess. ”
If you have the helm blueprint, you basically have the entire set, because you can convert the crafted helms to the other parts.
It took me also a while to notice that legendary helmets can only be crafted. It was the other way round though. I became suspicious when my recipe list filled up with all those helmets and nothing else, all the other parts missing. Thats when I realized that most craftable legendary gear are helmets.
I somehow like this mechanic now. It gives more importance to crafting and I acutally like the crafting.
edit: The logic behind this is probably the following: If all parts of a set were collectible as blueprints, that would make stash space less valuable over time. If stash space was infinite, it would make crafting pointless over time. So I assume this is an attempt to find a middle ground.
I’m pretty sure I found some legendary helmets on the ground. It doesn’t seem like they cannot drop, just because a blueprint exists. Or… at least I hope it’s not the case.
fixed drop legendary helmets can drop/legendary helmets that don’t have blueprints
Anasteria, Vanquisher, Veilkeeper, Dark One etc
afaik “regular” or set legendary helmets with a blueprint doesn’t drop
can drop Grim Dawn Item Database *looks like this list is missing SR sets helmets
doesn’t drop Grim Dawn Item Database
oh if you find that weird allow me to give you something to really start questioning
if a set doesn’t have a helmet, but still has a craftable piece (weapon/chest/belt), Grim Dawn Item Database , that set piece can drop