Most played character (Elapsed Time)

I think it’s official, I’m a Grim Dawn addict. I just noticed that I have 2 characters with an elapsed time of over one week, and several close to that :astonished:

My character with the most elapsed time is this Warder:

Character Summary

He is my 3rd character ever (not counting pre-release try-out builds), and was the 1st one ever to hit level 100.

Back then he was still a Lightning Warder using one or two parts of the Ultos set and some random lightning gear I managed to find, but I completed both Bloodrager and Avenger long before Ultos so I tried these sets instead. To my surprise it turned out that Bloodrager works great with Avenger mace and belt so I went with that setup and never looked back. Since then the build hasn’t changed much except for some component and devotion switches, it even became stronger after a balancing patch earlier this year.

I never really played Crucible with this guy, and only did a few SR runs so 99% of those 8 days were spent in the main campaign with leveling up, completing every single quest, farming dungeons, hunting nemeses, chilling with friends in MP and of course building the build.

btw Greatest Monster Killed used to be Lokarr for a very long time but after beating SR76 he was replaced by Theodin.

The closest contenders are a Chaos Pyromancer with 7 days 9 hours and an Aether Ray Spellbinder with 6 days 13 hours. I haven’t played the Pyro in a while, but I’m still playing the binder so I’m sure she will hit the 1 week mark soon.

I don’t think I’m the only one who spends so much time with their favorite characters, so what’s your most played character? Can anyone beat those 8 days and 6 hours? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have some characters with 3 or 4 days played, but can’t beat 8. My cold Infiltrator is the leader with 4 and half. It’s made in 1.3.0 or similar patch early AoM days.

Pretty close with my own Warder, my first GD char.


Seems I played more time on a Conjurer.

Wow that’s a new record!

I only have one pet build (also a conjurer) and that sits at around 2 days. Occasionally I use it to speedfarm BoC and of course to kill Ravager if I need another helmet :wink: I should play it more often, it is fun.

That Conjurer, when I first made it I still didn’t really know much about mechanics or gear or anything. First it was a pets build, then it became a bleed/vitality caster, then it became a dual wield pistols build… that didn’t work out so good, then it was hybrid pet/rifle which was also bad, then eventually it came back around to being a full pets Conjurer.

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Yeah trying out different setups and tweaking a build can take quite some time, but it’s fun and tbh I prefer doing that in-game with legit gear instead of GT theorycrafting, which might be more efficient but to me is less fun. It’s all about “The Journey”.

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Not too shabby, I think over 100 hours on a single character shows some dedication already. Btw your recent poll made me look up those numbers in the first place. I have lots of Inquisitor and Occultist builds that’s why those classes rank very high among my favorites but in the end Shaman wins with less builds but more time spent.

@LightningYu Wow that’s some dedication right there! And you didn’t even beat the campaign yet, so that’s gonna be a lot more in the end. I take it you spent a lot of time farming stuff?

I actually beat the Campaign three times and AoM as well… only FG i need still to finish but i can’t because it’s mostly my co-op character and i promised not playing Story / Campaign-Parts without an friend of mine(and he didn’t have much time to play past month). It’s actually the Character which i play since release so yeah…

I guess the reason why you think i didn’t finish campaign yet was because of no difficulty on the top-left, but for whatever reason(might it be reign of terror, crucible or simply playing with an different character) it change difficulty often back to normal…

Oh I see, yeah accidently starting Normal happens all the time to me as well :smile:

I used to have a dedicated co-op character as well, it’s my 2nd most played character as mentioned in the 1st post. Too bad most of the guys I started playing GD with have moved on.

8days 5hours 54min

My trusty Conjurer is way ahead of any of my other characters with 9.23.54.

Then comes my Mage Hunter followed by a Warder, but they’re well behind time-wise in comparison to him.

He’s my oldest still playing character and my pathfinder when we get new content for playtesting. :smiley:

My Retaliation Warder’s been a character I’ve spent so much time on ever since I discovered the joys of minimal effort, grinding just about everything from rep to bosses and other things so I could make as many iron bits as possible.

My Spellbinder on the other hand, I’ve spent less time on, at a mere two days, seventeen hours and eleven minutes.

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Some big times here. It’s also like an episode of Fashion Dawn. :slight_smile:


DW pistol purifier. Sadly doesn´t get played a lot anymore, since the build has been nerfed again and again. Well, it was fun while it lasted. :wink:

my fire build sorcerer :slight_smile:

First char I made in GD. Not many changes in its life, I knew from the start I’d go with lightning damage. Devotion, on the other hand, did go through a lot of changes

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Wow! Nice Biostasys. :smiley:

Personally my longest played character is my S&B Cold/Frostburn Blademaster.



First character I’ve made, been playing for almost 2 months.