Mostly skeleton archers. What is the skill lvl. sweet-spot for where to stop?

I ditched a RP build I planned because I wanted only, or mostly, skeleton archers.
Realizing that I could always just… STOP investing in raise skeleton at a certain level, I could at least manipulate the odds by stopping RS skill at this specific level to maximize the statistical odds for the highest number of archers.

There was a chart or something with spawn weight. I could probably find it if looking, but I’m also horrible at math including odds and statistics and such. So I was wondering if someone could help me figure it out.

TL;DR: Can someone help me find out, at what exact level, stopping the Raise Skeleton at - provides the highest statistical chance for having the most archers.

16/16 is the highest rank that doesn’t diminish the Archer’s spawn chances.

Alternatively, I believe @tqFan made mods somewhere that set the spawn weights on Raise Skeletons to only a specific kind of Skeleton so you could safely max the skill while using the mod for Archers.

Edit: Found it: