Multiplayer annoying flaws

You’re right, it doesn’t sway your point of view, it shatters it. I usually quote the most ludicrous part of one’s toxic post. Under casual circumstances I quote selected parts of the entire post which I specifically want to replay to, depending on what the rest of the post is like.

For someone who is increasingly combative and inflammatory every step of the way you have some nerve throwing the “toxic” tag around. Worse yet you quoted a piece that wasn’t really toxic and convinced yourself it was? Sure thing.

As for “shattering” anything I wrote above, I can see you really believe that. Interesting “reality” you live in. Must be nice when you can simply throw logic straight out the window on whim right?

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There are some people here playing devil’s advocates in almost every post I make. I can count on my fingers the amount of times they don’t play devil’s advocates, and that’s mainly if they do not respond at all.

I don’t know about all that but in the case of this thread your proposals should be tested and the flaws shown, and flaws there are in your requests and how you propose they be implemented.

I can understand the reasoning behind “some” of them and in some of your test examples but they fall apart in “how” you want to resolve them, which amount to throwing a band-aid on the wound but neglecting to clean and apply some salve first.

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it is not a flaw. You join the world of whoever hosts, so if your level 1 joins a level 10 that picked up some notes and did some shrines, you are not getting them in that session. In that case he should host, that is all there is to it

All my proposals for any kind of issues, including simple suggestion not regarding any kind of issues, are coming from my best intent, because I fkng love this game and want it to be as perfect as possible, and always keeping in mind it’s like 10 man developer team. In this particular case I made these two proposals, one of them being shared experience from lore books, mini bosses and devotion points in various ways, the other one making lore books and devotion shrines instanced. Whatever is easier for them… hell, if somebody thinks of better idea go for it.
Also I keep in mind that developers themselves gave items files to the users who made Defiler and Vault type of programs, which means hey are fine with it. That is the reason why I proposed sharing experience and devotion points if somebody joins later in an on-going multiplayer game, because that person can simply use those programs. There is no ban system, developers do not care for it, and why should they. Fun thing is you always keep saying this is a single player game, yet here you are using term “cheat mechanic”. Who cares for cheats in a single player game? Paradox. Cheats are bad for multiplayer games, and I remind you, you guys always keep repeating this is a single player game.

it shatters nothing, you have two competing goals, that is not changed

  • rewarding players who are in town for some reason
  • not rewarding players that do not contribute

You cannot really do the former without impacting the latter. At best you impose a limit, eg a timer during which you still receive things from people that you just partied with, eg for a minute.
That does not really resolve the problem though, you will find all kinds of reasons why you are in town longer and still should participate in their progress

they are fine with these programs, but they gave us no files. You get them yourself by having the game installed and playing it, the saves are local after all…

Wow, you re-phrased some words and got the exact same meaning. Good.

wow, you really do not comprehend anything you read, amazing

I think perhaps you do not understand why I refer to your idea to give late joiners to a game Devotion points that they weren’t a part of as a “cheat”. I wasn’t advocating anything about using cheats: I was straight up calling your idea a cheat. That’s what it is. Oh, you joined the game 15-20 minutes late to the party? That’s OK, here have these Devotion points… You didn’t help in the acquisition of these points but ya know what? It’s on the house. Live it up champ. =/

See where I’m going with this?

It just doesn’t add up to my thinking here. What you are saying is that just because Crate is fine with people creating and using mods and tools that they should build cheats like your proposals into the base game?

Nahhh… Crate being fine with such things does not EQUAL them being fine with letting people cheese the game in multiplayer as a default thing. Their vision of how they want people to play the game and their beliefs that players should have the ability to play the game how they want are two entirely different things.

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This suggestion has merit.

I wouldn’t really care if the first two were implemented because hell, powerleveling would get a whole lot easier - but for that very reason it’s probably not a good idea.

The fourth suggestion is really just a matter of taste. Personally, having done some Nemesis hunts online before, where people go all across the map, it’d be annoying as hell to consistently get hero/boss notifications, because I’d wager one is slain in such a hunt approximately every ten seconds in a 4-player session.