
Hello everyone, im new and i have a question, and sorry if its idiot q xd

When i can start play with others? i mean multiplayer?

did It need some lvl req?

I have for now only The basic version of the game without dlc, do i need have both to play in servers?

Last in this topic is : Can i play the same character online and single player or there is need to create different?

when i click on " Join to game " then choose internet or LAN next click on accept nothing happens.

Could U please answer me?
I saw in some yt video , this game allow to play with others on serwers something like in diablo II

Thank You!

Welcome to the forum.

Whatever level you want to start at I guess. Most players would probably have some levelling done, but if you can find someone to play with from L1 then it’s possible.

Again, you need to find people who also only have the base game as multiplayer isn’t possible with people who have AoM installed.

No, you can use the same character in multiplayer and single player modes.

Just to be clear, multiplayer works via peer-to-peer. There are no actual game servers. Just a match-making server.

If you aren’t able to join games, it can be for several reasons, including the one linked above. Here are some others.

  1. Whoever is hosting the game has it password protected
  2. Whoever is hosting the game has a level restriction range set and you fall outside that range
  3. Your router doesn’t support UPnP or has it disabled
  4. Your firewall/antivirus software is blocking the game
  5. Your router may need to forward port

Did you run the network test on the Network tab in Options? That may indicate and issue for # 3.

In most cases, the real issue is related to # 4 and/or # 5. You can add an exception for GD in your antivirus/firewall to resolve # 4 and configure your router to forward port #27016, which should resolve # 5.

Thank you, all clear but one thing.
As i said when i click join multiplayer , and choose Internet then click accept its nothing happens, i cant see any lists of the servers i cant see even server frame. I see only my char at middle nothing happens thats all.

I try to level up, maybe something is wrong with my 0 progression :d

Did you

press the Refresh button to populate the list.


Singleplayer button -> join multiplayer -> internet -> accept -> start game -> refresh button (top left) -> pick a server -> confirm (?)

As Ceno already said, you need to click “start game” after you selected multiplayer, this will lead you to the server list which you will have to refresh at first

I just go to network option in game, and it tells me : The network configuration test checks that the local router has a valid external IP adreess and that the adress matches the extremal address visible to the internet.

When i click on TEST : tells me :

The public Ip Adress reported by your router ( is not a valid IP adress.

so, what i have to do :(?
btw im not good at english but i try fix it but how?

Oh GUYS :smiley: im sorryy everything was good… im just dont click START GAME :smiley: Thanks u guys for answer for all my damn… idiot questions :D:D:D:

Thanks to alll :smiley:

Not a problem. Enjoy. :slight_smile:

I have maybe stupid question about multiplayer mode and using some thirdparty programs like GD Stash…

GD Stash can change data in my char, right (moving items etc)? - its quite serious ingerention - how it influence for accesss to network games???

For example: I need a place for collected items and have started creating mule chars - somewhere in this forum there was topic about using GD stash to collecting items - but i would can make bnlock to access to multiplayer game - right?

You right - multiplayer in GD is quite poor - bit its still multiplayer and possibility to play with others (for help, for fun etc)

GDStash will not prevent you from playing multiplayer.