My character T-poses and cannot move

Sorry I saw the topic and though it was a mod problem discussed here.

no need to apologize :+1:
just letting you know so not to expect a fix from devs/donā€™t expect fix until the mod itself gets updated by its creator

This was my case as well. I reinstalled the game using offline installers and problem was solved.

I agree. Where is the proof that these t-pose issue is on the system side? They canā€™t just based them off of % of player base and conclude where the problem lies. I understand they canā€™t replicate them but I do agree, this is a real issue some players are having, though only a small % are having issue atm including myself.

Tbf, seeing people here fixed it with re-installation with so I will do just that.

Considering doing a clean installation has fixed it for everyone suffering from this issue so far, it would appear we were correct to deduce it was on the system end and not a game bug.

It seems there is a problem with GOGā€™s standalone offline patch files, which we do not generate.


My mistake, I take back what I said earlier.

Turns out my issue was using Dawn of Masteries mod that causes the 2h weapon t-pose. I removed DoM mod and switched to Grimarillion mod which is up to date and it all works now, including using 2h weapons.

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