My character T-poses and cannot move

I just updated to 1.2.1, never seen this before.

My character is stuck in this form, exiting game and reloading doesn´t help.

Verify game files. Make sure no outdated modifications are installed.

Same thing happens in my game as soon as I equip a two-handed sword. I haven’t tested other two-handed weapons yet.

And did you verify game files and make sure no mods are installed?

Yes I did, but I will make a clean reinstall just to make sure.

Tested with other two-handed weapons and it happened with every melee weapon I could buy at the starting Devil’s Crossing vendor. Two-handed ranged weapons worked correctly.

I will keep you posted if a reinstall fixes the issue.

I reinstalled everything and the problem persists.

Too bad, I really liked this game. Maybe I’ll check it again in a few months to see if the kinks have been ironed out.

Thank you for your time.

We’re not going to be able to fix an issue we cannot reproduce. What are your steps for making this occur?

Install the game with all DLCs.
Start the game with all options at default.
Create a character (male if it matters) named TEST.
Go directly to killing monsters and looting containers until either I find a two-handed melee weapon or amass enough iron and loot to buy such weapon at the starting vendor.
Equip said weapon.
Notice that my character can no longer move and no longer has any animation despite the game still running.
Use foul language to express frustration.
Quit to Main Menu and notice character T-posing.
Start game with same character.
Confirm that there is still no ability to move or animations.
Use even fouler language and quit the game.
Realize that life is too short to do quality control without getting paid.
Turn off computer and go play outside.

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You’re not doing quality control, you’re helping us figure out how we can help You with your issue, which thus far appears to impact 2 people out of thousands. That generally means the issue is somewhere on the system end, not the game end.

For example, this is us following your steps (minus the foul language steps, we don’t need a repro for those). We tried to reproduce the issue without DLCs installed as well.



As you said you have now reinstalled the game, so that leaves other factors at play. We’ve ruled out getting crowd controlled while using a two-hander, dying, weapon swapping, swapping to and from other weapon types, using the illusionist. Are you using a controller? Does your character t-pose with a two-hander immediately or only after playing with a two-hander for some time?

If your character is t-posing in the main menu, that is generally an indicator of missing/damaged game files, or evidence that something else has tampered with the installation.

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couple basic checks/questions
when you reinstall, did you nuke your grimdawn install folder manually? otherwise files can be left over from auto uninstall
when it got reinstalled with all DLC did you check they were properly enabled afterwards?
asking both because confirming everything is in order on that part, - people have weirdly gotten steam/gog? to install the game without ex AoM but with FG, or ofc have had old non vanilla/mod files leftover on reinstall (most commonly rainbow tho rainbow probably not the cause)

another install related thing could be double checking the install and launch location matches,
even if far out/not likely there was a user that had steam do 2 installs on them, with the launch install being the bugged, and the reinstall was then not being used/overriding the bugged first install since steam was putting it on a different location than where the shortcut pointed

for what it’s worth, this issue wasn’t encountered/reported among testers during the months of playtest(atleast that i’m aware), so when Zantai is saying this is to assist with this unique issue you’re specifically getting, i’d believe that

This is not 2 players having issues out of thousands, as suggested. Most people just don’t report it and quit playing, or wait until others report it and it’s fixed. That stated, all of my saved games do the “T Pose” and will not move once a two-handed weapon is assigned. All other weapon types work fine. I updated from to with the 70MB patch available on GOG. No mods installed. My laptop (with 4080 12GB) is using the latest nVidia drivers and Windows 11 is updated as of this post. I am not sure how you, as developers, can replicate this, but please know this is a real issue.

(unsure why that was directed at me)

what it means is it’s a, very, small minority, because believe it or not stuff does get reported by some
and the devs are clearly not dismissing it, hence the detailed information ask; because it’s hard to produce, and didn’t appear for players in months of open playtests… :neutral_face:
*when there is a widespread issue, it can usually be gauged by the dozens of reports, or more, where so far these 3 is it


tried verifying files in Galaxy? - tried clean installing if using offline installers and not just the upgrade patch?

Fair enough. Let’s see how many people report this same issue after a week or so from the date of the new version release. I personally check for updates to Grim Dawn weekly, so if other players follow a similar update check schedule, we may find more players that need a fix to this. Thanks.

a separate/unrelated hot fix went out to steam moments ago, (i haven’t checked GoG), would be curious if that might happen to carry an accidental fix for your Tpose
if not report back/Zantai/devs will probably respond later if not

try to update / fresh install of all dlc with same version than updated main game.

If you used the offline patch, here lies the problem. It updates base game only without expansions. Download all offline installers and reinstall GD entirely.

I’ve used patches before without issue, so maybe it’s something specific with this patch? I uninstalled GD and all expansions and reinstalled with That fixed the problem. It’s just strange that I’ve never had to do that before. Thanks.

Hi, this is happening to me aswell. First time installing the mod.
Reinstalled through steam GD, DLCs and mod, problem persists.

Edit: Saw a comment in the main page about the new GD update affecting two handed weapon animations in this mod. Will patiently wait for the fix. Thanks.

mod issues depends on mod creator, nothing dev can fix/it’s not regular bug report when mod issue and should be reported to mod creators