My level 30 Witch hunter (Occultist / Nightblade) build

Hey everyone, I have seen many builds out there for people at the end game / higher levels but aside from a few here and there finding a low level guide has not been very easy.

So I decided I would make video guides for each of my toons starting at lvl 30 and going to 50, 70, and then 85.

This is the guide for my level 30 Witch Hunter

(gameplay, skills, gear, and devotion)

This build is focused on Poison and Cold damage

The Skills Calc:

Devotion: At this level I am going for defense and debuff since I am mainly tanking for my group play.

Tortoise - Provide turtle shell shield when below 40% health
Akeron’s Scorpion - Poison damage dot and reduce targets defense


Mainly in physique with a few in cunning for gear I wanted to wear.


Eye of Dregg in one of your weapons - This provides an aoe skill which is what I use for the primary AOE on this build

Mutenagetic Icor on second weapon - Poison damage and Dot improvement

1-2 Bristly fur- health and constitution

1-2 polished emeralds - Bonus stats

15/50 Nightblade
1/16 dual blades
1/16 shadow strike
6/12 pneumatic burst
1/1 Breath of Belgothian
1/12 shadow Dance
1/10 veil of shadows
1/10 Night’s chill

40/50 Nighblade
1/16 dual blades
1/16 shadow strike
6/12 pneumatic burst
1/1 Breath of Belgothian
1/12 shadow Dance
1/10 veil of shadows
1/10 Night’s chill
1/12 Blade barrior
4/12 Nidalia’s Justifiable ends
1/12 Elemental Awakening

50/50 Nightblade
15/50 Occultist
1/16 dual blades
1/16 shadow strike
6/12 pneumatic burst
1/1 Breath of Belgothian
1/12 shadow Dance
1/10 veil of shadows
1/10 Night’s chill
1/12 Blade barrior
4/12 Nidalia’s Justifiable ends
1/12 Elemental Awakening
1/12 Nightfall
4/8 Execution
1/16 Blood of Dregg

Very nice for a low level guide.

Thank you, One of the things I find is most guides are for max level and sometimes we need to know how to get past the lower portions.