My Leviathan Deathknight has just been upgraded to Ultimate

My Warborn Leviathan Death Knight has just been upgraded to the powerful Ultimate version. Come and congratulate me :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :grinning: :grinning::

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Bad forum etiquette.

I am not English culture, why? if you want…i will delete this post. explain to me…I tried to delete it, but it won’t go away. I’m being told to ask my administrator for permission.

sk_choi got their Deathknight to the Ultimate version; what’s wrong with that? Well done I say! :smile:


What is the purpose of making a thread to link another?

causing notice of the finalization since after the build thread was created? :man_shrugging:

legit seems pretty straight forward to me :smile:

I will write further replies not here, but in a new thread title. Genius me. :sunglasses: