My trade post is raiding my markets

TLDR: please make it so that tradeport workers do not take resources from markets

My town has the town hall, industry, trade post and farms in the middle of the map.

Infinity stone can only be found on the edge of the map. I tried mining using temporary shelters but the distance is too far. Even with temporary shelters at the mine, and halfway along the way.
So I built a little mining village far far away from the rest of my colony. With houses, a market, a doctor and walls to keep the bears away.

Now, a merchant comes to the trade post and wants to buy some resource. I see that i have it in town, and tell the tradepost to fetch it. The entire stay of the merchant, they do no bring the resource, even though all the warehouses and stockyards are right outside the tradepost.

I replayed the situation, and one tradespost worker collects all but 1 of the resource from the warehouse next door, but instead of dropping it off at the trade post, he goes on a hike to the mining town, to raid the market there, where the last one of the resource is sitting on the shelf.

considering the market workers walked halfway across the map just to fetch the resource to start with, this feels rather inefficient.

would it be possible to tell tradeport workers to not take resources from markets ?

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I agree that it is better to only grab from storages. Not from markets, this way the market people need to restock them. Unnecessary work for them.

While traders will prioritize resources from storage buildings first, if you ask them to grab every last resource in town, then they will also tap into markets. This is by design.