Mystic reaver's claw is UR?

I play like 100HR++ for ultimate farming legendary but How to get this reaver’s claw i’m so tried to farm it it is specialist item or what ? is super super super rarerarerarerare

Random drop, shouldn’t be more rare than most other weapons.

100 hr? um, you need a LOT more than that to get most items, depending upon the efficiency of your farming runs/content farmed/etc etc ofc.

Some good areas to get lots of juicy items and increase your drops:

  1. nemesis - generally pretty easy for end game players
  2. SR
  3. gladiator crucible

Farm up those a bunch and you’ll be swimming in loot in no time.

I got it drop from ultimate campaign heroic monster drop or crucible 150 aspirant reward
But so far I havent get a single mythical clairvoyant set drop yet for my AAR

come to think about it, maybe caster chars have increased drop rate for melee gear and vice versa

Aspirant admittedly gives shit for drops, roguelikes may actually be better at that point.

Found 2 of em the other day in the same day…

Gotta level a blademaster now o.O

Was doing steps and grove runs. I can’t stand crucible/sr

Mystic river is a great movie by Clint Eastwood.