Myth Mark of Anathema conversion

Just a minor visual or technicality on the conversion
The medal has a 100% conversion of lightning to aether damage
but i doesnt show to the skill of Callidor’s Tempest or maybe its on Inferno so it doesnt convert to aether :smiley:

just being a lil OCD with my new toon :smiley:

skill tooltip doesn’t show conversion effects if it’s not to the main skill node, this is pretty universal across tooltips iirc, - “limitation of how tooltip/skill tree works” or something
(it also wont show conversion at all if it’s global conversion regardless of main or second nodes)

the conversion still applies, you can confirm this slotting the skill to LMB/RMB and checking up top in char page 2


ohhhhh thats helps a lot
thank you

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