Mythical Cruel Edge Proc Question

So the proc I imagine can work with any attack?

What about something like Forcewave? A spell with weapon damage?

doesnt’ proc on attack, procs when you are hit, by an enemy attack, so doesnt’ care which skill you use :wink:

Er, sorry. I should not have said proc… I meant the 30% chance for bonus % damage. I’m unsure exactly how that works.

it’s temp buff, globally boosting dmg, this case %all dmg, so will boost the dmg of any attack made, aside from retaliation

Alright sorry, I’m not sure I am getting my question across still…

I am talking about this on the weapon, not battle cry

30% Chance of +336/+504% Physical Damage

the way i understand it should be like a regular “check” everytime you apply dmg, any kind of dmg (tho obviously any kind of non phys dmg wouldn’t get boosted)
i say “should”, since i’m not actually totally sure if these effects only apply to attacks made with that weapon, but i don’t think it is (ex like Olerons’ Fervor augment)

tested it with a rather barebone character - only the weapon and a shield, used normal white attacks (weapon) and shield slam (shield) from Battered Shell, both were affected


Oh cool. Yeah I have the weapon, so I suppose I should just try to test more things myself like that.

I’m curious if it works with forcewave too.

30% chance for potentially +500% dmg seems like a lot.

I was looking at physical dmg sets geared toward auto attacks and it seems really hard to find something that would work well with it, that doesn’t have a weapon built into the set. Just thought it’d be interesting. :smiley:

should, if i’m right about those types of effects applying to any dmg applied (“source” doesnt’ matter)
and Coyote’s brief shield test seem to confirm that thought

wont’ say it’s not a lot, def a fair bit (also a decent proc chance)
just more like a note of “keep in mind dmg is additive in GD not multiplicative”
so if when you already have 2500% dmg “at end”(since Myth weap) it will be more like 20% dmg boost

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should work - have test is shortly afterward and had stronger attacks in between

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