Mythical Marrow Band doesnt drop

Hi there! I am currently trying to get a full collection of Epic and Legendaries items. I have most of the world drops (not including MI from bosses, dungeons, etc), but the Mythical Marrow Band still eludes me… It is the only blue (as far as I can tell) from the world drop that I’m missing… is it bugged ? does it drop only from a certain place? is it just bad RNG?

I can confirm it does drop - I had it drop the other day on my 94 Archon in Elite from a totem or shrine.

Join the Chruch of RNGesus and keep praying! :pray:

Well, that’s what I was afraid of… Let me light a candle, prepare the altar, and find the appropriate sacrifice! XD

Thanks for the answer!

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Might want to load up on snacks and drinks to keep your strength up!

Good luck!

You can also try playing SR without going to Main Menu (or was it exiting the game)? You’re supposed to not get dupes of items this way and as a consequence increase the chance of getting each one with time. Tagging a BS checker: @Gnomish_Inquisition

Thanks for the tips, I didnt know :wink:

I generally run my farming sessions by changing characters each SR so that I don’t get bored of the same build, but well, maybe I’ll bite the bullet and farm for longer on each then ^^

seems to only applies to Legendaries, epics clearly gets duplicate drops in same session farming
seen it happen within minutes several times, unsure if some special rule/not all epics are considered “unique” or if it’s just a strict legendary item system only

i asked the same question when i noticed Blightshard Amulet was missing for me, others confirmed they too had it, and it did indeed finally drop, a fair amount of time later after posting.
seems rng world drop epics might just be the most elusive due to how their pool works :sweat_smile:


Well, I’ll keep on grinding ^^ The good thing about Grim Dawn is the sheer number of builds to try ^^

Is there a way to gamble on blue rings at a given vendor maybe?

it’s been so long i legit don’t remember how it works exactly
either it’s level related, or it’s difficulty based, either way probably gonna be a pita tho
but you can try the Celestial smith on Elite, they might still give you Legends, unsure, i just know for sure they will only give you legends on Ultimate at lvl 100
Algosia Fald will be in the Tomb of Nephos in FG btw (Myth marrow band is an FG item so would likely require that smith at minimum to even be possible)

My tips for farming blue item is to go SR 75-76 in normal difficulty, higher blue drop there from my experience.