Is there any way to get the level 90 relics to have their own section and not be mixed in alphabetically with the level 60s? I only have 4 - lvl90s in my Mythical list; but I had to check manually to know that I had 4.
Why? What does it matter? All sections have two levels iirc.
TIL i we had level 60 Myth relics/lvl 60 mixed with 90s
i’m guessing that happened after/because of the relic level squeeze where relic level brackets got simplified/more uniform and lowered?
if that’s the case lvl 60s/90s would just need to be manually separated into a new bracket/tier - but i don’t know if that’s easily available or requires “coding”/adding in a new one manually first by the devs
alternatively/until a fix you can use level search, just type in
level: 90
^and it will only display the relics (and runes) with a level requirement of 90
Hi Bas, Well… I checked the game and in my Empowered Relics I have 18 relics, 3 are lvl18 and 15 at lvl25. I did not know I had 3 lvl18 relics. For Transcendent Relics I have 20 relics and they are all lvl35. For Mythical Relics I have 35 relics of which 29 are lvl60 and 6 are lvl90. What I thought was, there was only one level of relic per type of relic eg: Transcendent. When I saw the mix of Mythical Relics, I thought: Why isn’t the order of Ascending, first as Level and then as Alphabetical? Cause the game is hard enough as it is. Mixing the relics like that adds a degree of difficulty, that for me, is unnecessary.
Hi Gnomish_Inquisition, Thanks for the response. The reason I wrote about this is because I thought each relic level only had one level of relic eg: level 60 for Mythical. When I saw there was 2, I thought: Why isn’t the order of Ascending, first as Level and then as Alphabetical? You are correct, it will require a little code.
It’s probably done to keep the number of relic categories limited.
You can see here all available relics: Relics - Grim Dawn Item Database
Empowered apparently has lvl 18, 25, 35 and one 50 (not craftable). And then there’s Transcendent relics which are all lvl 35? And then Mythical which are 60 or 90. But I wouldn’t get hung up on the relic level too much. Sometimes a level 60 relic is better than a level 90 relic for a specific build.
it’s worth to mention “level” doesnt’ mean the same for relics as it does for other items,
and does so even less after the relic squeeze that altered relic levels and craft cost
What matters is the bonuses and even before the relic squeeze there were several “not level 90” relics used in endgame builds, either because just good bonuses or outright best the way some relics entirely shift dmg type/stat focus.
Grim Dawn Item Database (
Grim Dawn Item Database (
^dis what i refer to when talking about relic squeeze
iirc we had a bunch of level 70 relics before, and ofc 50,(i don’t think we had any inbetween 70 and 90?) - so now the relics level are more evenly distributed, starters 18-25, class 35-60-90, and there is a class bonus relic for all at 35 now too i think?(wasn’t before)
So we do have fewer relic tiers before, they just didn’t get a new named category, as they were then still intermingled before
Hey Bas, Thanks for the response and the GD Tools link. I’ve used GD Tools before but there’s a lot there. Also, I agree that a 60 can be better than a 90 for a specific build. Thanks again.
Hey Gnomish_Inquisition, Thanks for the data, I did not know there was a relic squeeze. I can hope they’ll add an Order of Ascending in the Relics with level first and alphabetical second. Thanks again.
yea that might be pretty fitting now the relics are so uniform in levels/35-60-90