Good day to all! I ask knowledgeable people to suggest on this issue and a specific subject. If it’s not difficult, tell me how “+35 Damage to Chthonics” will work during use
this weapon - with a formula or in theory with an example. Thank you very much in advance!
Those damages (where acid, elemental description etc are missing) are of physical nature. Math wise you could just add them to the base damage of the weapon, to put it into perspective.
thanks for the answer. And why, in this case, is racial affiliation indicated here? reset the damage calculation formula, to be honest, I don’t know where to look ))
Why - because theme?
Ofc, the 35 (physical) dmg only apply to ch’thonian enemies, yes.
Base dmg of your weapon will be 240 + 35 physical (or more like piercing) damage against ch’thonians (plus the % racial dmg).
240 dmg against the rest.
thanks again for your thoughts. of course, it will be in any case penetrating damage, not physical. but the principle of action is now quite clear to me. Thank you for your time and attention to the topic. all the best ))
It’s basically a legacy stat from Titan Quest since that game had plenty of items with it.