Mythicals without Procs

Tons of the mythic items opted for a little bit more stats in exchange for deleting the procs or special effects.

For many this amounts to a flat downgrade. Their logic is a bit flawed here lol. The good news is many mythic items do retain their effects, just don’t automatically assume “mythic” means upgrade.

I don’t think Mythicals weren’t necessarily designed to be straight upgrades.

Many of them lack their proc because the developers wanted to lower the amount of procs that high end characters would have.

Just a hunch on my part but I also like to think that they wanted to keep the non-Mythical Legendaries as options instead of being replaced if there was a particular proc that you still wanted to use in a build (which also works out if there’s a skill modifier on the Mythical counterpart you didn’t want to use - for example Voidsteel Gauntlets). This is why they didn’t remove procs on the 50-75 Legendaries. Hell, even some of the new ones like Anderos’ Amplifier feature procs that the Mythical lacks :stuck_out_tongue:

They have been giving some Mythicals back their procs based on user feedback but only in cases where there are a lot of people that ask for it (such as Mythical Aethereach) or if you present a good enough reason to them on the forums.

i doubt that’s it as TONS of the lvl 94 new items still have procs, as do many of the carry-overs. I think it’s just a wee bit of laziness, rather than wait to see if stats + original proc are OP they just assume it will be and delete them. And in some cases you have the hilarity of the same item, better stats, and it RETAINS the proc, and someone said “well the mythic version of the proc should be a little better”

so you end up with say fire proc doing 500-1000 dmg on the normal version, and 505-1010 on the mythic version :rolleyes:

Well, guess we’re opening this topic back up for discussion :rolleyes: Was hesitant to as it was done at length when AoM released but ah well.

-Zantai definitely said that they wanted to reduce the number of procs available to characters with AoM.

-Remember that Weapons, Headgear, Handgear, Amulets and Medals can only feature skill modifiers. How many high level Legendaries of those that do have a skill modifier also have a proc in comparison to those that don’t? Removing procs for the vast majority of builds from 2-4 item slots definitely fits their idea of reeling in the number of procs without going overboard I’de think.

Edit: To illustrate my point, i’ll take the Legendary Pistols as an example.

For the ones between level 82 and 100 (the high level ones):

-11 of them feature skill modifiers.
-Only 2 that have skill modifiers also feature procs (5 if you count WPSes).

The majority of Legendary pistols that do feature skill modifiers do not have procs. Not all but the majority.

75% of Myth items that are missing the proc skill that the normal items gives…are trash…srry but its tru - proc skills are way better…not on all items…but mostly

That is kind of what I am saying. Mythicals that have skill modifiers to me were not meant to be straight upgrades. Many of them were designed for specific builds or act as sidegrades whereas the old Legendaries are more general-purpose.

Too bad they’re all you can farm at levelcap.

That is unfortunate. I suppose there’s still Etram Fald. You could also drop down to Elite and farm non-AoM areas as well right? Drop rates would be worse than Ultimate though.

Most of Elite drops Mythicals.

Got the blueprint for the level 94 Eldritch Gaze from Elite Sentinel yesterday.

Out of curiosity, did they say why? I find procs to be great fun, and they add a fair bit of damage without going out of the way to minmax skill distribution. I play a caster arcanist and enjoy active gameplay, but because there is precious little synergy within the skill tree, minmaxing seems to result in very few active skills.

Skill modifiers also tend to feel less flexible than procs overall. Consider the Iceskorn Talons: a very nice item that works for nearly any cold/elemental class, but the mythical version sacrifices the proc for skill modifiers that benefit nightblades and necromancers only. Similarly, the mythical Mark of Anathema is tailored to melee-range casters. Granted, it’s a tradeoff, but I’m not fond of giving up better stats because my skill selection falls outside a very narrow range.

Ideally you’d just have a way to toggle a mythical item between “proc” and “skill modifier” mode, which would also help with drop distribution being helplessly skewed toward mythical versions.

Huh, didn’t think Elite scaled that high at max level for non AoM areas. I guess Etram is probably the only way to get 50-75 Legendaries at max level now then.

Not that I remember, this is the post I am referring to:

I find procs to be great fun, and they add a fair bit of damage without going out of the way to minmax skill distribution.

This was one of the major arguments to the lack of procs from what I remember. A lot of people find procs more fun than Skill modifiers and I can understand why to an extent.

Though, I also greatly enjoy skill modifiers. Some of them allow you to make use of skills in ways that you wouldn’t have been able to before (such as using Shard of Lost Souls and Fleshwarped Archive to bring the base cooldown on Summon Hellhound to 2 seconds so it can act as a nuker). Many of them I feel were also inspired by builds on the forums.

Ideally you’d just have a way to toggle a mythical item between “proc” and “skill modifier” mode, which would also help with drop distribution being helplessly skewed toward mythical versions.

If they wanted Mythicals to be the only Legendaries you’de use i’de agree but what Zantai has said doesn’t really imply that. Drops being skewed to higher level Legendaries is definitely a problem if there is a lower level Legendary you want to use as you have a limited time to farm for it while levelling characters. Maybe they could fix the issue temporarily by introducing a potion that causes you to not gain any experience?

I’m no modder but does anyone know if a potion that places your experience gained to -100% would work? I imagine monster kills would generate no XP but quests still would.