Necromancer nerfed?

Ooh… Apostate. First things first Pet Apostate can and will work well enough to do everything ingame except Callagadra/Crate of Entertainment (Mogdrogen not tested)

Here are 2 possible endgame paths:

BlightFiend based: Fat & Fwuffy - Pet Apostate
Reap Spirit based: Friede - Pet Apostate

Both can farm Gladiator Crucible easily and do SR 75+ on Ultimate.

Skeletons are however a no go for endgame stuff. That said, since those builds above require specific items and stuff to work, this is what we will do in the meantime:

Lvl 80:
Lvl 90:
Lvl 100:

Disregard the items for the time being. Work towards this as a budget setup:

Once you get to that, then work towards getting the items in one of the two endgame Apostate builds I posted. You can farm Skeleton Key dungeons for the random legendaries.

If you have questions, feel free to ask :yum: