May 21, 2019, 8:20am
Yes, you read it correctly. It is a pet build without Occultist or Shaman.
I wanted to see if I could do it.
Grimtools Link:
Crucible 151-170, with 2 Blessings + Banner:
Had to use Tonic of Mending a few times.
Shattered Realms, Shard 75 - 76:
No Shrines/Potions/Consumables used except for Tonic of Mending.
Ravager of Minds:
Took about 7 mins. No potions/consumables used. Pretty easy fight
1 Like
May 21, 2019, 8:25am
Again, for Ariandel !
Should be enough for now.
May 21, 2019, 9:55am
Shattered Realms done. Surprisingly SR is much easier than Crucible. I suspect it is due to not having to kite as much in SR provided you pull the bosses one by one.
Beat me to it, lol. Was gonna try the same thing.
No word of pain with death sentence for extra aether RR?
May 21, 2019, 12:31pm
Beat me to it, lol. Was gonna try the same thing.
No word of pain with death sentence for extra aether RR?
It was a rough draft to see if I could. I still need to test a couple of things. WoP being one of them.
May 21, 2019, 1:35pm
Tried WoP, it generates too much aggro. I died on wave 169 T_T
EDIT: Ok, second run went better. I just got rusty after playing my conjurers and cabalists for so long :p. Build getting updated.
May 22, 2019, 4:56am
Further update. Callagadra hurts
Having to Kite while popping Ghosts and Blightfiends is not fun and I gave up after 5 minutes…
This one certainly isn’t a superboss killer T_T
May 22, 2019, 10:32am
Well, Ravager died without causing any problems…
I now hate Callagadra even more. Why can’t it be more like Ravager? Why? why?
As a self-proclaimed Dark Souls expert, I just want to say that this build resembles Friede in no way.
You don’t use frost attacks, like RoH or BH
Friede uses no pets, but just a big old dude in a chair
3.Friede would use something like Alkamos Scythe (or rather dual-scythes)
Great build otherwise! Even if it’s not cold BH/RoH with Alkamos Scythe
May 22, 2019, 7:17pm
As a self-proclaimed Dark Souls expert, I just want to say that this build resembles Friede in no way.
You don’t use frost attacks, like RoH or BH
Friede uses no pets, but just a big old dude in a chair
3.Friede would use something like Alkamos Scythe (or rather dual-scythes)
Great build otherwise! Even if it’s not cold BH/RoH with Alkamos Scythe
Fine, have a Friede wallpaper instead:
May 24, 2019, 5:08am
Spiritseeker Cord was found to have better performance, so updated the GT link.
Err… um. Unbelievable and unexpected combination classes for a pet build.
Can I get some gameplay on this at all? Just curious what your main source of damage is…where do you put down Inquisitor seal? Just put it anywhere and stand on it and your blight fiend tanks?
May 30, 2019, 10:39pm
If you mean videos, I don’t record as it causes too much lag.
It is a pet build, so naturally pets are the source of damage and only pets.
As for Inq Seal, I usually put one where I am standing and another where my pets are fighting.
And yes BlightFiend tanks and to a degree, so do Reap Spirit Ghosts.
I’m quite the newbie out here… I was wondering if you have any tips on what to level first (skills and devotion speaking), the stars to use then erase to unlock another one. Or even what to look for in items while leveling up to the max level. I never see these tips (since I guess these are just final builds meant for lvl 100 characters…) and I would love to get some if you’re up for it
Respeccing is super forgiving in this game, so just level with whatever. In general you max a skill with big AoE, just pick up stuff that supports it and you’re golden.
HUGE thanks to…
Everyone who contributed to this guide, with very special thanks to malawiglenn for taking all the time to map out all the farming routes.
I think I may have unintentionally ruffled some feathers.
I am not trying to dictate the way people should play this game. I am merely trying to share with the community how more experienced players play GD in as efficient a manner as possible, with efficiency referring to: i. Looting, ii. Levelling.
Of course feel free to play GD…
There is plenty of leveling tips for summoners here The Carnival - A Guide to Pets