need a little help with my Battlemage

so i am playing with forcewave as my main skill + Oleron’s Rage - Field Command and Counterstrike for buffs.

damage wise i am going for Physic - Internal Trauma and Bleed, in this Order.

currently i am at lvl 62 on Elite, and kill trash mobs before they even reach me in 1-2 hits.

Elite mobs and bosses are also no Problems so far, i can Facetank most of them, and they die really quick, but i have a problem with caster bosses and elites, my resistances are capped out but i recive lots of damage from most of them, so i need to play the “hit and run” game, mostly ending with a tombstone :smiley:

i got some defense stuff like Tortoise Devotion - Menhir’s will - Prismatic shield
but they aren’t helpfull enough with those packs.

now i am worried about ultimate, is this viable to get trough?
any ideas how to make him a little more tanky against those casters?
any help would be great :wink:

here is my Build with the Devotions so far

The build you posted says you are level 85, so I’m guessing that is what you are aiming for?
In my Opinion Mehnir’s Will isn’t really a great skill to max as you can die before it procs if you are unlucky. On all of my builds I have put points into Mehnirs will I almost never see it proc, as I usually pop a potion long before I get to 30% health. So I usually just put 1 point in it for Oh Shit moments.
Also with Tremors attack speed does nothing for you so the 12 points you have in Squad Tactics would be much better spent on War Cry. Tremor is affected by cast speed.
Also with Tremors since you are spamming it you don’t get much from the 12 points in Internal Trauma as you will just constantly overwrite the dots.

From the Grim Calc you gave I’d switch to this War Cry will make you take 25% Less Damage and Lower enemies Physical Resists so you do More Damage. Mirror is obviously used for 100% Damage Avoidance for 3 seconds and OFF will give you a screen wide CC. All of this will make you much tankier, but You would lose some paper DPS with this switch.
I actually might also get rid of Veterancy and put those points in Maiven’s Sphere, unless you are planning on grabbing Tree of Life constellation and stacking Life Regen.

Others might have better advice as my Opinion isn’t necessarily the best available on this build as I have never done a physical Tremor build.

I’m not sure if forcewave line got buffed but back in old builds it was too weak in killing bosses

Getting cast speed is a pain for this build

I’ll also get blitz, it’s a great gap closer for those pesky mages/archers

the Damage of Forcewave is good, Bosses are dying really quickly :wink:
but keep in mind im only on Elite with this char, dont know how it will look on Ultimate.

sfbistimg - yes this is what i am aiming for, but i already Overmaxed the Skills in the Soldier tree with +Skills gear.

I always let mehnirs proc before drinking a pot, works good for me so far, but i think youre right, all in may be bad, because i am dying in the Time of CD of it anyways.

i thought about Life leech instead of much regen, with the aoe from the wave, i am always full health, and with bosses its always a big chunk of life per hit that i gain back.

thanks for your grimcalc, i will try this right now :wink:

Redkain - this is no problem, the Wave always reaches those Ranged guys, and kills the rest between me and them in no Time :smiley:

Of course is viable in ultimate, why not?

Your Grim Calc doesn’t make a lot of sense… you put 15 points into Arcanist but didn’t take anything at the 15 point mark. Maiven’s Sphere is amazing if you’re taking a lot of damage and Arcane Will is worth a point. If you’re not going to take anything at 15+ then you’d be better off putting those 5 points into something like Squad Tactics.

Also you have OFF but you don’t have Absolute Zero. Absolute Zero is insane for a Battlemage that uses Physical/Internal Trauma damage because of the -resist. I would leave OFF at 1 and try to max Absolute Zero, the range on OFF will be less but you’re melee so that’s not a big deal. Absolute Zero also stacks with Break Morale from your War Cry.

Squad Tactics is definitely something you should consider as Attack Speed is extremely powerful in this game. I don’t think 12 points in War Cry or Fighting Spirit is worth it, you could leave these at 1 point each and gain 22 points and notice extremely little difference. You could then invest those 22 points into Squad Tactics & Absolute Zero for DPS or Maivens Sphere for survivability and notice a massive difference.

If you do choose to go further into the Arcanist tree by 5 more points then a point in Nullification is super handy for taking off dots.

Not to be rude but - OP I would advise against this advice and this is coming from someone who has a Bleed Battlemage.

EDIT: Here’s my recommendation. Very similar to what you had but a bit more defensive as you said you were having trouble against caster bosses etc and this should really help with that. Also with Break Morale and Absolute Zero you will do a lot more damage and kill bosses much faster:)

more Defense and more Damage, this sounds good :wink:

never looked at Absolute Zero before, the -resist is really handy so i think this is a good plan.

but the attack speed does not help much, because the wave is affected by castspeed, i only was going into Squad Tactics for the % in all Damage.

I was Playing now a while with Break Morale at 14/12 and it was a huge boost in dmg, i will try the combination with Absolute Zero.

Thinking about get rid of Counterstrike and Spread the Points into Break Morale and Absolute Zero after maxing the Sphere.

Is there something in the Devotions i should aim for too?

How much life do you have? Even with high resists low life won’t help you with big crits and enemies that generally hit hard.

I didn’t realise it was cast speed for Force wave, my guy uses Blade Arc, do you know if that’s Cast speed or Attack speed?

Devotions I’m not too sure anymore. I was previously aiming to get Tree Of Life but with the new update offensive devotions may be better so I’ll be playing around with them. I’ll let you know if I work something out that’s good for our builds :slight_smile:

@Dreeg - i have 6,5k Life DA 1604 and chance to be crit 0% against meele i have no trouble at all, its just the Caster elites and Bosses.

@Socks - Blade Arc should be Attack speed :wink:
so youre going on Life reg? i personaly like Life leech a bit more, big healing while Fighting so i will take the Ghoul instead of the tree i think, there is some reg in it too.

Lol my build makes no sense but your’s does. I Went the extra 5 points in mastery so He could go Maiven’s instead of Veterancy if he so chose. Back to your build, First off Absolute Zero is not a better way to break resists then Break Morale. As Absolute zero only works on enemies it actually freezes (which it doesn’t against most of the enemies you actually want to break resists on). Putting 1 point in War Cry is pointless, you either max it or nothing. You will have zero range on Olexra;s Flash Freeze so again kind of pointless. 6 points in Squad Tactics for 26% total damage is a waste of 6 points.
So no offense but yeah your build is trash