Need advice on first build

This is the first build I’ve played seriously and wanted some advice on how to improve this further, I can farm sr 65-66 but I want to push 75 with it, I just want to know if its possible with some improvements,
here is gt: Death Knight, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Like this Death Knight, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Your main problem was, you ignored your resistance overcaps which are important when the enemy has resistance reduce debuff(most of them have, especially nemeses). And I think you need serenity relic for that. Second you don’t have any damage reduction. You need to get either War Cry or Ill Omen or Ravenous Earth’s second node for that.

Also your rings doesn’t contirbute your build that much, magelord set should be your first choice. Your pants also not that useful. Using Blademaster relic and Dreadblade medal looks good but as I said, you’ll have resistance problems without serenity relic.

thanks for the quick reply and your answer, so what about the devotion path, is it ok or nah?

Yeah it’s ok, although I’m not sure having Wendigo Mark binded to Markovian’s Advantage does any help your survival. Bind it either Aether Corruption so you can have good leech among crowds or Bone Harvest.