Need help for my shieldbreaker

Fair enough with the lightning or fire debate. I suppose both can be good in their own ways, although the suggestions I gave (ignoring the lighting EoR statement) are still very useful and could improve the performance.

I never wanted to start arguing if my build is better or some other build is better but give some insight on stats that can be greatly improved like switching the amulet because I don’t think the overwhelming fire and chaos are needed and if hmdais build really needs to overcap skills so it goes +1 then I would recommend getting even the same beronath or kaisan amulet with some different fire affixes + resists so they get fixed along the way.

I also noticed soulfire isn’t capped (20/12) so need 2 more there somehow…

As for devotions I recommend optimizing them a bit more (like I showed in the picture for example) if we want to fight ravagers or anything big in that spectrum. Turtle can be outdated but crab is still pretty good and so dryad if not going phoenix.

EDIT: So I was very curious cat, that I am… and made my own version of fire EoR shieldbreaker.

I will say this, so u gotta play with build and flesh like this:

  1. do ascension skill and all others, lay mines and do spin to him for 8 to 9 seconds @hmdai , then fall back and let him do the triple shits and then wait for ascension and for triple shits to trigger, and once he does that… activate ascension skill with all others again and attack once more and more for 8 seconds or so… kinda like a cycle almost, and do it for max 7 min if done right.

You don’t have to copy my theory build 1 : 1 but I did make huge changes to the devotion system and parts of gear. I hope I didn’t scare you or anything, fire EoR is doable.

7 minutes? I killed Ravager of Flesh in 1:46 (see video earlier) without changing their gear pieces (but with many small tweaks) even :thinking: How is this an improvement? You can kill Ravager in such a long time with any setup basically because you’re practically only fighting during circuit breakers.

What I’d personally like to achieve with this is hopefully full facetank and maybe a safe 1:20 - 1:30 kill or so and I think it’s double.

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Watching ur grimtools and video I can tell u used 2 consumables, I did none.

ur acid resist is not fixed, petrify is 0. I build not only for ravager but also other content. I did pick more safer route and energy problem went away but at cost at some damage.

I don’t understand why u are coming so aggressive towards me, I can kill them not in an hour but 7 min max tellin ya. Not recording breaking but its safe. I also see in your video your health goes critical and couple few moments were dangerously low hp.

OP asked for any insight, and I tried to give my best. You did very well but I move for a more defensive route.

Feel free to use ones / changed augments too, it’s quick and cheap.

I’m just trying to explain to you you that a 7 minutes fight means nothing because you fight during Blast Shield, Giant’s Blood etc danger basically disappears. Energy requirement disappears as well.

Only if you fight Ravager relatively continuously you can say that your build is actually tanky / has good sustain / is a safer route. II wouldn’t be surprised that you couldn’t fight like that at all. I could prolong my fight 30s or so / not make mistakes and it would looked safer as well.

In a similar fashion - kiting Callagadra for 10 minutes wouldn’t show that your build has actually good sustain / tanky but tanking it for 2 minutes would. It seems to me that you’re so certain that this is a safer route (not saying that it isn’t) because you don’t see the things that you lost and overvalue things that you gained.

FYI I found you completely ignoring what’s already been in the thread and its context quite rude actually. I’m not angry / aggressive though (it’s hard to tell when you only read text and don’t see / hear other person) just directly saying what I think and I sincerely found a 7 minute Ravager kiting / drawing some conclusions from it silly. But if you don’t get it then it is what it is and we can end it at that.

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I think you’ll need to decide whether to optimize for damage or kill Celestials easily :laughing:

Here’s some other variants that could be considered (WIP but I post now because I need a long break from this :laughing: )

Tinkerer belt can help with Energy management by lowering Physique req and Energy regen boost proc. There’s also Of Insight prefix that could potentially be used.

But that previous setup I recorded the fight for felt decent enough already once you get the hang of the fight.

Sorry for disrupting you once again but I wanted to show you something, we may find similarities in builds but overall I am happy with my creation:

I did change the ring and devotions to OPs wanted level which is decent if we want to reach these sub 2 minutes and yeah I did it in sub 2 minutes with this setup… there is no way the defensive route would achieve that record.

I also want to thank you a bit because it was an interesting journey to make fire EoR build. Also I want to add for your information I used Royal Jelly Ointment and that dranghoul elixir, big difference, right?

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woah, please cool down a bit.

Thank you so much to all of you that are willing offer help to a newbie like me. I am eye-opening as there are so many possibilities that I have not expected before. I will try them out and see which one work best for me when I’m free from my busy work :sob:

I’ve come up with a new Fire EoR build that I think is worth looking at - Pyran’s EoR carried by Mortars and Guardians:
Shieldbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
I think it has a good chance of being more damaging than other Fire EoRs.

I have tried 3 times tonight and every time when he try to fight Ravager. He will suddenly stand there and do nothing, which ends up being all health being consumed by Ravager within seconds.

I suspect he is being stunned?

I think I only had this near some obstacles / plants rarely :thinking:
Ravager of Flesh doesn’t have any CC except slow Ravager of Flesh - Grim Dawn Monster Database

Nah, it’s a long.-standing bug with EoR, that happens for some ppl.
EoR will just stop spinning until you click the button again, sometimes I think I also have to move-command and then click again.
Occassionally it will even keep the “spinning” animation going, except the character doesn’t spin, just the “blades”.

I think it’s tied to using movement skills, happens a lot more often to me since “Evade” got added.

I’ve always read people complaining about it but for some reason I didn’t have this this issue even once with various EoRs (Fire, Physical and Retal ones) builds I played in the past. Only now in this Ravager fight I had it (but as mentioned near obstacles iirc).
It would be awesome to know the reason of all this and how I avoided it for so long :thinking: