hi , i am new in this games and i would like to play in main class arcanist + ? , so if someone have a good build for lvlup +farm ect …its would be nice if you can share it to me .
thanks you and sry for my bad english
hi , i am new in this games and i would like to play in main class arcanist + ? , so if someone have a good build for lvlup +farm ect …its would be nice if you can share it to me .
thanks you and sry for my bad english
You will have to be more specific as to what kind of build you want since arcanist goes reasonably well with almost every build. Are you looking for a melee, ranged, or more of a caster type of character?
ho yeah sry , so i looking for a caster build
In that case, a Battlemage or a Sorcerer would be best for you. Since the current meta has Sorcerer>Battlemage, I would pick a Sorcerer, but both are good.
Here is an example of a Panetti’s aether Sorcerer. It isnt perfect, but it is very tanky with good damage and could get through ultimate. One important thing to remember is to keep Olrexa’s flash freeze maxed through normal and elite. Put one point in demolitionist for flashbang and max arcanist, putting points in panetti’s and devastation asap. Here is what it would look like at level 50
A good thing about this sorcerer build is that other builds use the 50/32 mastery spread, so if you dont like it you can respec into a calidor’s tempest build or an aether ray build.
Here is a popular thread for a calidor’s tempest build: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32768
Hope this helped.
ho tyvm for your answer dude
If you’re leveling a sorcerer, another thing that works really well is to put a searing ember on a weapon and use the fire blast ability (can equip at lv 7 and find the components via vendor). Invest 5 points in acranist and then max OFF (reduces fire resistance vs non-bosses making fire blast much stronger). The switch to demo and invest in mastery to 25 then max canister bomb. At level 15 you can switch your ember out for flintcore bolts (can get more embers from vendor if needed). Put points into flame touched for more damage, Iskandra’s elemental exchange for more energy regen(if an issue) and vindictive flame for more speed (run, cast, attack). Go up to 40 in arcanist to get nullification, mirror of ereoctes and maiven’s sphere. Something like this: http://grimcalc.com/build/d6jOw7G
Can switch to a similar build at 50 (little lower skills as more was invested in demo mastery): http://grimcalc.com/build/w9sN5eR You’ll have more phy/cun/spirit/hp/energy from the mastery points at this point and you’re skills won’t be that far behind. If you have a lot of + all arcanist skill gear, then you can switch some points around to make get back some of those 1 pointers in the previous posters buildout, if you don’t then don’t invest points there as just one (or even two) points really doesn’t do that much. Invest in them when you get the + skill gear.
The canisterbomb/flintcore bolts route is pretty good for leveling and will probably be faster. But it will take a way some of your practice with the build if you’re going to switch to a PRM/CT/AAR build. Plus, you may not be looking out for the right gear.
Just another leveling option suggestion.
Another decent build, although not as strong as a CT build is an AAR sorcerer: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30239&highlight=arcanist+laser
The build in the thread is a little outdated. If you click on one if his video’s and then go to his actual youtube channel, there are some update videos that help the build become stronger. He also has another leveling guide. I actually followed that the first time (it will give you practice using the skills) and it works decently. Have been working an another toon and the canister bomb/flintcore is working better… course that also might just be that I know what I’m doing now… :):rolleyes:
The CT build is probably the strongest. I haven’t played a PRM build so can’t really comment on them. That skill will be getting a buff soon too… AAR is just another viable option. I enjoyed playing one personally. But you’re the one who will know your play style the most. Good luck!
Here are my 3 Favorite Sorcerer’s
TSS/BWC High Potency/Devastation
Greater Fire Blast/BWC High Potency/Thermite Mine/Devastation
hey i like your 1st build sfbistimg explosion everywhere xD
i have find a video on youtube i need something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_GAaFa27tQ (but i think this guys cheat)
and ty again for your answer guys
What a cheater
that video doesn’t really show you the build…A few heroes in there but mostly trash. Not too hard for most builds to handle heroes and trash…
He is definitely not playing a vanilla game whether that is cheating or just modding I don’t know but you can’t just zone into where he is going and he is REPEATEDLY farming a ONE SHOT chest…
Most sorcerer builds have explosions everywhere…
ho ok , i see he using a program for tp so it s what i think he cheating ^^
yeah, that is the first thing… But he is also repeatedly open a 1-shot chest to farm legs. In a normal game, that chest will not reappear on the same difficulty setting once it is opened for the first time…