Need help for Physical Two-Handed Melee Savagery Archon HC

Hi everyone, im in need for help in my first HC build in grim dawn. I’ll start now HC Ultimate. Skills, attributes, devotion good?? My character Archon, Level 70 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator Thy any tipps,comment :smiley:

Id say farm some rep for the factions and get your resistances capped using augments and something like elemental overcapped (yes they can be overcapped and by a loooooot).

Also there is a 2h savagery archon guide in the beginners compendium, you can compare the gt links for 70, 80 and so on from that guide as a baseline.

Your damage also seems kinda low for ultimate but
these are just my two cents as a gd noob, I’m sure the pros will be able to help you out with more detail


Thanks for the comment

You can refer to this guide : [ -] Budget Physical Two-Handed Melee Savagery Archon. It is well written for new players.