Hey I have recently got the recipe for the two-handed weapon Leviathan. And I thought to myself wow this item is completely broken, but after I made it I came the realization that I need a build for this. So I thought that maybe a warder would be good with Leviathan, but sadly shaman only gives lightning damage and I am completely out of ideas. So if anyone have an idea for a build which is using Leviathan I would love to hear it.
57-594 Damage (325.5 Average)
Speed: Very Slow (-0.2)
+165% Physical Damage
+165% Internal Trauma Damage
+145% Cold Damage
26-35 Bonus Damage
20% Chance of 2.5 Seconds of Freeze Retaliation
8% Physical Resistance
50% Reduced Freeze Duration
+6% Health
+2 to Fighting Spirit
+2 to All Skills in Soldier
Grants Skill: Great Tide (Level 1)
Unleash a great tide to scatter your foes, just as the great leviathan parts the waters with every move.
+80% Weapon Damage
372-516 Physical Damage
187-265 Cold Damage
33% Chance of Freeze target for 1.5 Seconds
10 Meter Wave Distance Over 2 Seconds
5-10 Meter Wave Width
5 Seconds Skill Recharge
225 Energy Cost
Required Physique: 582
Level Requirement: 75
Item Level: 75
I have thought about making a battlemage, but I just can’t get it to work. I figured maybe using Sky shard, but it just seems so weak compared to just going all out cold arcanist
That’s not the approach I would take. One of my favorite things about this game is that you can make such great melee-caster hybrids. I think that weapon is pretty much begging for either a blade arc or forcewave build. Max fighting spirit and military conditioning…Oleron’s Rage. On the arcanist side, you could grab Maiven’s, inner focus, arcane will, mental alacrity (esp for forcewave) and OFF. The problem is lack of resist debuffs…not sure how to fix that (and fire from OFF isn’t helpful).
Huh I haven’t thought about that way. I guess Im just too narrow sighted since I love to get all the power out of an item like finding a way to use the insane extra cold damage.
On the otherside if I get a ring with phys to cold will it work with the weapon and % cold damage?
Yeah, that would work, though there don’t seem to be a ton of options there gear-wise (plus you could have OFF as mentioned and get a devotion proc or two that do cold damage). Blades of Nadaan would help for debuffing resist to internal trauma.
You could use IEE as well (which would also help with energy usage), which may seem less efficient, but the fire damage would be good becaus of the resist debuff if using OFF. Keep in mind I think the minimum level that build might even begin to function is 35+, especially because of the energy usage.
So you are suggesting that I make a build where I use arcanist as a supportive class and soldier as my offensive which makes sense with the 2+ levels to soldier skills and as for cold damage abilities I can get IEE and tsunami devotion and leviathan devotion
Yeah, something like that (might take some experimentation). I have a similar concept I’ve been playing, a 2h pyro using infernal brimstone. Admittedly, the mines do have fire damage (which that weapon features) and debuff fire resist. There’s a fire proc on the weapon (just like Leviathan has one). I also have Meteor Shower (on Sigil of consumption) and Eldritch Fire (on thermite mines). Works great. I drop mines and Sigil and start wailing on things and fire rains down from the sky all around me.
You’d want field command and squad tactics as well. Going to be hard to figure out where to save points. I actually use a Beronath shard in my case but I don’t think that would work as well here, since you wouldn’t be taking advantage of the internal trauma bonus.
I have worked on the devotion tree for my idea http://grimcalc.com/build/pATHih
I don’t know how well it will work, but basicly the idea is that i grab a lot of cold based abilities like leviathan, amatok winter spirit and tsunam then my idea is probably to follow as you have said making arcanist supportive and soldier offensive.
I would be using Leviathan with transmuted Blade-Arc to try and beat my 1H 209k critical hit as a Blademaster!
…if you go warder you don’t have to be lightning based though I would use Savagery & Stormcallers pact…something along the lines of http://grimcalc.com/build/rDS3ew but without levelling it wouldn’t say 100% where skills would finally go!