Concerning the specular reflection. You could find a texture used in the game that looks most like the one you have made and make a copy of it and replace Grim Dawn’s texture with yours in the database. If this is the method you used, it could be something not right with the normal map.
Are the texture seams on a region boundary? This will sometimes produce a seam. If not, I would check if the texture is truly tileable.
When you imported the normal map, did you set the format to DXT5 (interpolated alpha)…or does it even have an alpha channel?
The incorrect setting or no alpha channel are the only things I can think of that would cause such a high specular reflection.
try this:
Open the Texture Viewer and use File\Open then navigate to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\YourModName\resources\folder where your converted .tex file is.
open: YourTexture_nrm.tex (or YourTexture_nml.tex)
go: View/Alpha in the Texture Viewer. The alpha should look like a very dark black and white version of your diffuse texture.
If not, you need to make a “specular alpha” for your normalmap texture’s alpha channel.
Open a few of Grim Dawn’s normalmap terrain textures to get an idea what the alpha channel should look like.
This is for a normalmap that was not generated by the Asset Manager
I’m going to be making a few terrain textures myself today. I’ll post here if I come across anything else.
It is confirmed that the amount of the alpha in the normalmap controls the specular reflectivity. (more alpha = less shiny/wet looking)
I use Crazy Bump to create a dark specular texture to paste into the alpha channel of the normalmap.
A 'cheap" way of doing it in Photoshop is to make a dark greyscale version of the diffuse texture and paste that into the alpha channel of the normalmap.
I’ll soon post some example pics that look good in the editor as soon as I get the right alpha setting. (right now its really glossy looking around 12:00 noon)
So I started out creating a terrain texture that would display a more visable elevation normalmap using a cobblestone texture. I ended up having to make the normalmap texture 75% to 85% transparent to reduce the glossy/wet look.
I wish getting rid of the seam was simple, but it isn’t. Google research “Seamless Textures” and you’ll see tutorials on how to make them, free to use textures, etc. On a different computer I have a bunch of tutorials bookmarked, so I could teach artists their job. I haven’t touched that for a while.
Not to turn this thread into a tutorial but…
Check out some of the Grim Dawn alpha channels in the diffuse terrain textures. You will see some interesting ways to blend/transition other terrain textures while painting with opacity.
Unfortunately i don’t familiar with texturing at all.
Any advices what tools can be used to fix this? Some of broken ones were really looked nice in tq, not want to loose them.
The reflectiveness is controlled by the alpha channel of the bump/normalmap texture. Make sure that the bump/normal texture is DXT5 and the alpha channel is either black or very dark.