Hello, I’ve got no idea of what else to use, any help is appreciated.
Maybe something like this:
- with blue belt: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
- with green belt: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Greens have no affixes for the most part, final tweak should be done after you have them
and you can then change augments if you’d like more Health / OA / DA / flat damage / resistances.
To consider: Ring of Anubar / Bat on Storm Box
Lower points here and there if you’d like to use Rune of Kalastor in addition to Rune of Hagarrad.
Many thanks. You chose the seal of the void because of the attack speed bonus, right? (I’m kinda of a noob)
Oh, and I forgot. The ascend epaulets convert sobe aether to elemental, is it a good option as well?
Because of the WPS proc, it’s like your Inquisitor procs.
It’s good too but I chose Pierce to Elemental to have full conversion for
- Ranged Expertise
- Chillinig Rounds
- Storm Spread
- Rune of Hagarrad
- Arcane Empowerment
- Lucky shot from the ring
as you can see quite a lot of sources of Pierce damage
Indeed, the pierce to elemental conversion seems better. I forgot about the proc, now the seal makes more sense to me.
Thanks for the help !