Need help with dervish

I created a dervish class and wanted to know what build could be good Venomblade dervish misery dervish or Mad queen claw dervish and Dunefiend, cold RF Deathmarked or Phantasmal Blades

Hi; all possibilities are good enough, some are better but the important question is what kind of playstyle you want? I’m sure people will link their builds here as post but you can search them by yourself aswell so before that just know what you want.

I have played Venomblade/Misery/MQC and Deathmarked Dervish, they all seem similar DW melee build but have little detail differences. And Vitality PB or Dıunefiend have totally different playstyles.

You wanna play pure melee with WPS for example? Misery/MQC Dervish and Deathmarked Dervish provides you that and they are cool. Cold damage is a bit trickier than acid since you gonna stand againts 2-3 high cold resistant enemies in end-game. Also you need to craft conduit amulet to achieve the build.
2x Misery with SR set is probably the tankiest one you can get with good enough damage. MQCs are not that great as they look on paper but with Dervish they’re good enough. The problem with that build you’ll have less skill point to use and you need to farm 2x MQC which might take a while. It’s possible to use 1 MQC + 1 Misery, which probably works good as both maybe even better with proper setup.

With Dunefiend you’ll have two chances focusing SS or EoR. For EoR, sentinel should be better but I never played so can’t be precise about it.

Venomblade is ABB focused, RF and WPS are just filler there; You’ll have 1,2-1,3 sec cooldown ABB and you gonna use other skills or AA in the meantime. I didn’t like that playstyle so didn’t play long enough.

PS: With all builds in the above, you gonna have to use ABB atleast for Lethal Assault buff.

I also never played PB Dervish so can’t provide any info about it. But you can be like pseudo-pet monster.

Is there a build where i can use the guardian and the sword that turn around ur character???

you mean eye of reckoning? or a proc?

RIP Duchy

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dahell did i miss @_@

and lite"rip" Ulvar :pensive:

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Yes, you can do Acid Eye of Recknoning(spin2win)Dervish with Dunefiend set , Guardians won’t be doing much damage but they’ll there for RR.

And if you wait for the next patch, you can play DW Fire EoR Dervish with new set. RR should outperform both Shieldbreaker and Sentinel there since it’s just AoE debuff without any extra skill.

Oh yeah eyes of reconing