I bring to you another Yugol spinner and this time it has brought an Immortal Army with him as well Yugol’s Hunger relic is based on cold and acid damage and this build uses only the acid part. It also uses player scaling pets - 3 Blade Spirits and 4 Guardians of Empyrion. The idea of Immortal Army was first done by @Contragor and he has a guide how to level it. His version is 2H and I use DW melee and Voracious Reach from Yugol’s Hunger relic. Half of the damage of this build comes from you spinning and the other half from Immortal Army you have. For conversions I use weapons, rings, amulet, belt and armor. Build is capable of doing SR 65-66. It is a little glass cannon - it is a little glassy and it is a little cannon (acid builds are generally squishier). Physical hitters are dangerous but you kill them fast. I tried even SR 80 with it. If you let the Immortal Army kill dangerous bosses it can be done sometimes but you are very squishy in higher SR.
I have other spinner builds here. All my builds are here.
Here is a list comparing all my spinners from best to worst. All are at least SR 65-66 capable.
Yugol the Insatiable – great build, cold + acid VR, use of dual damage is good, offensively good and defensively strong, ease of gameplay is OK despite using both CoF for RR and Lethal Assault for buffs
Aether Spinner Oppressor – great build, aether EoR, offensively a little behind Yugol the Insatiable, defensively a little behind Yugol the Insatiable, nice gameplay with passive RR
Gyroscoper – great build, physical EoR, offensively a little better than Yugol the Insatiable, defensively a little weaker than Aether Oppressor, nice gameplay (RR is not passive but Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Twilight Spinner – great build, aether + chaos EoR, use of dual damage is good even with low RR, offensively noticably weaker than Aether Oppressor, defensively similar to Yugol the Insatiable, nice gameplay with passive RR
Yugol of Twilight – great build, aether + chaos VR, use of dual damage is good even with low RR, offensively a little weaker than Twilight Spinner, defensively a little better than Twilight Spinner, nice gameplay with passive RR
Aether Spinner Templar – good build, aether EoR, offensively a little similar to Yugol of Twilight, defensively a little weaker than Twilight Spinner (but a little better than Gyroscoper), nice gameplay
Chilled Spinner Shielded – good build, cold EoR, offensively a little better than Twilight Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Gyroscoper, nice gameplay with passive RR
Chilled Spinner – good build, cold EoR, similar offensively to Chilled Spinner Shielded, defensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner Shielded, nice gameplay with passive RR
Aether Spinner Shieldbreaker – good build, aether EoR, offensively similar to Chilled Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner, using Thermite Mines for RR makes ease of gameplay weaker
Spinning Inferno – good build, fire EoR, offensively similar to Aether Opressor, defensively a little weaker than Aether Shieldbreaker, nice gameplay (RR is not passive but Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Spinning Freezer – good build with nice gameplay from freezing enemies, fire EoR + OFF, offensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Spinning Inferno
Chaotic Spinner – OK build, chaos EoR, offensively a little weaker than Spinning Freezer, defensively a little weaker than Spinning Freezer, nice gameplay with passive RR
Yugol the Hungry – OK build, cold VR, offensively smilar to Twilight Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Chaotic Spinner, nice gameplay with passive RR + CoF (Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Skywalker – weaker build, lightning EoR, offensively a little weaker than Chaotic Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Yugol the Hungry, using Thermite Mines for RR makes ease of gameplay weaker
Spinning Immortal Army – weaker build, acid VR + pets, offensively similar to Chaotic Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Skywalker, nice gameplay with passive RR
GRIMTOOLS expensive version cheaper version, a little weaker offensively and defensively, still able to do SR 65-66
Stats of the build
OK DPS 120k - 130k (Voracious reach kills fast even with low DPS compared to EoR) + your army
OK base OA - around 2900 OA (OK OA with Lethal Assualt - around 3000 OA)
no critical damage 0 % (20 % with Voracious Reach)
nice acid resistance reduction from Murmur, Veil of Shadow, Guardians and Manticore - up to -123 %
damage from devotions - Manticore, Yugol, Bat and Murmur
OK life around 12500 HP
OK DA - above 2900 DA (Resilience increases it more)
up to 226 OA reduction to enemies from Veil of Shadow and Rumor
OK CC resistances (except trap res, better with Ascension up)
reasonably overcapped resistances
OK physical resistance 20 %
low armor - above 1600
% reduced target’s damage from Yugol devo
nice lifesteal 17 % (+8 % on Voracious Reach)
healing on standby from Pneumatic Burst
flat damage absorption from Ascension
Ghoul and Bat
Giant’s Blood binded to Resilience
Blade Barrier
Prismatic Rage from component
image from the game with passive buffs + Pneumatic Burst
image from the game with passive buffs + Pneumatic Burst and Ascension
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
This build can do SR 65-66 both the expensive version and the cheaper version. Physical hitters are dangerous but you kill every boss fast. If you are a skilled player it can go a bit higher. I tried even SR 80 with it. If you let the Immortal Army kill dangerous bosses it can be done sometimes but you are very squishy in higher SR.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.