The reason behind this build is to make use of the Twilight’s Veil dagger which is aether and chaos based. I have already made a build like this using Eye of Reckoning. So I also tried to do it with the Voracious Reach skill from Yugol’s Hunger relic. Voracious reach is cold and acid based so you have to convert these to aether or chaos. Elemental conversion is done by the daggers and acid conversion is done using chest and gloves. I have decided to go for a Warlock because of support for both aether and chaos damage and good defenses due to Blood of Dreeg, Maiven’s Spehere and Possession - physical resistance and damage absorption. Build also has ADCtH on the main skill itself and it also uses Guardian’s Gaze from devotions. Defensively it is strong. It has no RR in both classes so it has to be done through items and devotions. Total RR for both damage types is above 90 and that is OK. Build does SR 80 relatively easily.
I have other spinner builds here. I have other Twilight builds here. I have other aether melee builds here. I have other chaos melee builds here. All my builds are here.
Here is a list comparing all my spinners from best to worst. All are at least SR 65-66 capable.
Yugol the Insatiable – great build, cold + acid VR, use of dual damage is good, offensively good and defensively strong, ease of gameplay is OK despite using both CoF for RR and Lethal Assault for buffs
Aether Spinner Oppressor – great build, aether EoR, offensively a little behind Yugol the Insatiable, defensively a little behind Yugol the Insatiable, nice gameplay with passive RR
Gyroscoper – great build, physical EoR, offensively a little better than Yugol the Insatiable, defensively a little weaker than Aether Oppressor, nice gameplay (RR is not passive but Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Twilight Spinner – great build, aether + chaos EoR, use of dual damage is good even with low RR, offensively noticably weaker than Aether Oppressor, defensively similar to Yugol the Insatiable, nice gameplay with passive RR
Yugol of Twilight – great build, aether + chaos VR, use of dual damage is good even with low RR, offensively a little weaker than Twilight Spinner, defensively a little better than Twilight Spinner, nice gameplay with passive RR
Aether Spinner Templar – good build, aether EoR, offensively a little similar to Yugol of Twilight, defensively a little weaker than Twilight Spinner (but a little better than Gyroscoper), nice gameplay
Chilled Spinner Shielded – good build, cold EoR, offensively a little better than Twilight Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Gyroscoper, nice gameplay with passive RR
Chilled Spinner – good build, cold EoR, similar offensively to Chilled Spinner Shielded, defensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner Shielded, nice gameplay with passive RR
Aether Spinner Shieldbreaker – good build, aether EoR, offensively similar to Chilled Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner, using Thermite Mines for RR makes ease of gameplay weaker
Spinning Inferno – good build, fire EoR, offensively similar to Aether Opressor, defensively a little weaker than Aether Shieldbreaker, nice gameplay (RR is not passive but Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Spinning Freezer – good build with nice gameplay from freezing enemies, fire EoR + OFF, offensively a little weaker than Chilled Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Spinning Inferno
Chaotic Spinner – OK build, chaos EoR, offensively a little weaker than Spinning Freezer, defensively a little weaker than Spinning Freezer, nice gameplay with passive RR
Yugol the Hungry – OK build, cold VR, offensively smilar to Twilight Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Chaotic Spinner, nice gameplay with passive RR + CoF (Curse of Frailty is still good to use)
Skywalker – weaker build, lightning EoR, offensively a little weaker than Chaotic Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Yugol the Hungry, using Thermite Mines for RR makes ease of gameplay weaker
Spinning Immortal Army – weaker build, acid VR + pets, offensively similar to Chaotic Spinner, defensively a little weaker than Skywalker, nice gameplay with passive RR
Crafting bonus on amulet, ring and pants is for physique due to spirit dump. You could also craft for stun res. Build uses two monster infrequent items - Chains of Ygraad and Loghorrean’s Corruption.
Stats of the build
OK DPS - 170k
low critical damage 14 % (34 % with Voracious Reach)
OK OA - above 3000 OA
55 DA reduction to enemies from Annihilation
OK chaos resistance reduction from Eldritch Fire, Revenant, Bloody Pox, Ravager’s Deathgaze and Combustion - up to 92 %
OK aether resistance reduction from Arcane Bomb, Revenant, Bloody Pox, Ravager’s Deathgaze and eternal Haunt - up to 94 %
OK life - above 12 000 HP
OK DA around 2800 DA
up to 390 OA reduction to enemies from Bloody Pox, Arcane Bomb and Annihilation
OK CC resistances
capped disruption resistance with Possession
reasonably overcapped resistances
at least +3 to max all resistances
nice physical resistance 30 %
lower armor - above 1700
% damage absorption from Maiven’s Sphere of Protection and Possession
20 % lifesteal (+ADCtH on VR and Guardian’s Gaze)
petrification of enemies from Korvaak’s devotion
healing on standby from Blood of Dreeg
Mirror of Ereoctes (saves the day when things go tough)
image from the game with passive buffs + Blood of Dreeg
I play SR with camera pointed away from enemies and I try my builds only in SR 65-66 and SR 80. I play around 10 SR runs per character.
This build does SR 65-66 easily. No boss is a problem. Reaper is fine even with low RR. It can even do SR 80. It is slower in SR 80 but you can do it within the timer comfortably. Reaper is not that tough to fight. Iron Maiden and Fabius are tougher than Reaper but still OK. It can go higher but for higher SR I would recommend crafting for stun res and not for physique. Use Mirror smartly and you will be OK.
I don’t play Crucible so I don’t have a time number for it.