Need help with HC

Well, I need help picking the safest class to do a HC run. I have never done HC before so it’s pretty much a fresh start SSF run. I just don’t know the best bet for a HC character. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!

I did all my hc achievements with a Sorcerer built around mortars and bombs. Mirror, Blast Shield and Nulli in combination with Time Dilution and hp regen devotions did the job for me (ssf, deathless)

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No CD primal strike/no CD forcewave/no CD callidor tempest, 2500+armor, a lot of circuit breakers, magical shield from crab devotion or some flat absorption and you are done with all achievments. Commando, warder.
Blast shield extra good since you can hit only when its not on CD, also demo is friendly with each other class and supports regen

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Probably some pre avenger Warder would be good; can stack lots of %health and health Regen and use Voldraks crusher.

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