Hello, I have been trying to kill Ravager of Flesh on Ultimate with a Blademaster build using Belgothian Set, but died multiple times. Here are the problems that I noticed:
His bleed damage is massive, 1000-2000 bleed damage each attack, even though I maxed out, overcapped bleed resist. Vitality resist maxed and overcapped as well.
I sometimes got 1-shot instantly, probably when Ravager launches 2 orange projectiles that depletes at least 50% of my health and again, deal massive bleed damage.
My build deals decent damage, has massive Armor (max 6000), high Physical resist (max 50%), beat wave 170 in Crucible, but still died easily to Ravager. Really need feedback on improving my build. Here’s the build: Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
more wps
get anatomy of murder
unsure why you’re using that conduit it doesnt’ stack with scales RR, nor Terrify neither of which is very useful to you because not 100% uptime
ie terrify and the conduit is a waste
dmg seems pretty low, low in general, bit more low for belgo BM, that’s probably part of your struggle, your dps is lowish for a celestial fight so you struggle to leech etc.
Also, learn to evade Sunder, will help tremendously. Even if you don’t evade the actual sunder just evading on sunder means you wont take that much dmg since his close range sunder is super low duration
those gloves are not really doing you any favours eithers, no attack speed, unreliable proc, you’re not using regen. Get gloves with attack speed, pref with pierce dmg ofc
you can’t use menhir’s will as dual wield, remove the point
he has two
one is a close range melee swipe (fast), other is orb he shoots when you got distance away,
look for the pre-sunder warning flash when facetanking, or “when he pulls his right arm back a bit elongated/pronounced” then just evade through him. You don’t even have to actually evade the sunder itself, just evade through him immediately if you get hit anyway.
The ranged orb you should either never trigger facetanking 24/7, or just hide behind the rocks if you ran away to heal, then go in his face right after it’s cast/broken.
veil of shadow and night’s chill is mandatory
just take the point from Menhir’s Will and Terrify out and plop couple in anatomy for a lil cunning boost
you need like 3300 OA or something to trigger your crits against ravager, not counting the OA debuff Flesh/red version has
alright, so i just killed Ravager of Flesh (red version) with this tweaked old setup
it’s a bit cheesy, tho in my attempt i didn’t “need” to use/forgot to use Ulo at all
*i use save editor for a 1x creation, so item rolls are random, and i get no craft/blacksmith bonuses
resists are undercapped because just tweaked it to be “Baseline” ravager capable and not alround content finished (hence so many Solael augments on armours)
i used Ugdensalve for +hp and Elixir of the Dranghoul for +OA/DA
i guarantee you it can be made even better, i just dont’ remember the “good” non-mi setup/“no-green mafia” version
Done. Kicked his ass. Had to kite A LOT when hid HP was at 50%. I dodged his sunder but for some reason, he still dealt a lot of damage to me at that stage, so had to run whenever my HP got low.
by the way, I saw your build and am a bit confused. Why did you use unchained might for glove? RR from the glove doesn’t stack with scale devotion proc
Not sure gnomish mentioned it directly, but u want to have flat damage bonus on items (and skills, devotions) as much as possible when using dual wielding + wps (like it in his build), since it adds damage to both hands and if you are close to 100% chance on any wps (that supports dual wielding), you always hit with both hands, so it’s extra good. (all augments should be chosen with flat bonus damage when it based on dual wielding+wps build).