Need Verification on Fabius

UPDATE: im actually kind of embarrassed, but i killed him.

long story short: i havent attempted him in months, since i was (meh) in the gear category. I decided to give him another go, earlier, because i got a NICE drop last night. (still need my Chausses of Barbaros tho) and i guess i was upset because i couldn’t EZ mode him.

there may have been some RNG at play because this time he DID NOT one-shot me. But when I cycled through phases of tanking/kiting he actually did not seem like the guy i met a few hours ago.

he’s still a bastard, i feel great having killed him though

as easy as his route is to find, id rather risk running SoT and killing Moose ANY DAY, rather than chance Fabius spawning o.p. weapons.

“I’ve literally never been oneshot in 3.4k hours of play.”. So this is ok and fine: “untill one day his very first attack one hit me for 17k” and as we see from a post above, ~35K crit is pretty dumb, don’t you think?

I’m not saying Fabius is difficult, but that the however small chance it to be ridiculous, is just not that ok in any aspect. Basically, that .1% chance is not worth to fight him ever (to me), when i can get similar (or better) loot from more reliable sources.

That picture doesn’t have any context, just a number. I don’t know his stats at all so for all I know he has bad defenses. My greatest damage taken was like 8k and I’ve killed Fabius hundreds of times. That 8k wasn’t even from him either. I’m not discounting that Fabius can hit hard and I agree that some of his random weapons are nonsense due to the extreme variance they add to the encounter. Regardless though, in my experience the risk factor of fighting him is very minimal. If you don’t think he is worth it then more power to you.

You are right, that picture doesn’t really tell you much at all, and I basically agree on all fronts at everything you said. I have nothing to add to this conversation that has not been already said, maybe we meet someday on some glorious HC battlefield. Gl hf ^^

btw this screenshot is not my own, i found it in another thread, as Nine already pointed out this poor guy taking a 35k had probably awful defensive stats
On my personnal experience i think fabius crit record is arround 10k.

It’s just his notched bone thing really. He can spawn with some deadly stuff but that is the worst. My char can facetank the Mad Queen easily but fabuis hit me 17k. It was only once out of countless times of fighting him though so it was just down to terrible luck.