Nemesis bosses

Ok so I’m going to complain for a minute.

Can we please get an option to turn off nemesis spawns?

Progressing nicely in ultimate till I hit wardens lab where the aether boss spawns. At level 79 this boss 2 shots me, stun-kill. It’s a tad hard to run around him till he stops chasing me. I have only killed on nemesis boss on elite and it wasnt worth the time, deaths or potions. I don’t want to waste 30mins to an hour fighting one enemy for a green drop.

I treat lack luster effort reward with “f” it skip as such with gutworm on ultimate. He has never been worth it on normal or elite that when I encountered him on ultimate and got one shot said screw that skip. The only thing up to nemesis on ultimate to be a problem.

So again make nemesis spawns be a statue or something that the player has to except the challenge to fight instead of an overpowered one shotter hidden in a mob of easy enemies.

Thats it, maybe my feeling will change when I’m a level 85 and death means nothing or if and when I get a weapon up grade that is worth a crap.

You cant expect to be forgiven after murdering aetherials for as long as 20k points

The odds of randomly running into one are pretty low and you can ~always path around them

Quit game remade, didn’t spawn onto act 2, the warden wasnt anywhere close to as hard as logy on elite. I did die once but no biggie. 2 more devotion shrines till I max devotion at 50 6 more levels till character is maxed, then if I ever beat ultimate or not really doesnt matter to me at that point.

You do know he guards a chest? Just so you know this. I’m 85 and I still can’t deal with them well in ultimate. I farm in Elite where I can kill them in 2 minutes or less. 15 minutes in Ultimate if I’m lucky.

The game seems over tuned in ultimate. Maybe it’s just me and crappy play. But I’m in Stop the Log. resurrect in Ultimate so I’ve progressed through the whole thing nearly. Nemesis are way over tuned.
Funny the drops in Ultimate are not as good as Elite. Too few and far between - Elite I can kill fast enough to make up for the lesser drop rate.
1 week in Ultimate 2 or 3 legendarys
1 week in Elite 7 or 8 legendarys
I just don’t think the Ultimate drop rate is worth the slower pace.

Did you farm every faction up to Nemesis on Elite? That took some work. There’s no point in farming rep unless you WANT to fight the Nemeses.

You can use the character editor in GDStash to set the rep back down. That will stop the Nemesis spawns.

Have you thought about building a less squishy character?

I like to kill every boss at least once. On Veteran with a melee build you have to skip Gutworm when you first reach him and come back later. On Elite and Ultimate you should be able to handle him. It’s a good way to measure your character. (If you can beat Elite Log, you should be able to beat Ultimate GW.)

You could post a grimcalc and get some advice.

There are a fair number of people who think Ultimate is not hard enough. See all the videos with sub 15 second kills of the harder bosses.

Farming Nemesis on Elite is probably faster than farming Ultimate when you don’t have much gear. I agree with that. But Ultimate is much more fun than Elite.

I don’t think the rewards are good enough for the time spent… I kill 10 hero’s in ultimate and get 3 greens 1 blue and 14 yellows for an hour spent.

I kill 10 hero’s in Elite and get about the same or worse but it only takes one tenth the time, therefore I kill so much more I get better rewards for the time spent.

Maybe my skill is not as good as some who spend a lot more time at it than I. Maybe my attribute points are not well laid out as some (although it seemed correct at the time)

Originally Posted by Wurtanen View Post
He’s playing a 1H + Shield Warder. In which case he has pretty good damage for that level. (Assuming he’s mostly self-found and doesn’t have a stash full of gear to select from.)

Yes S&B here
Can’t link build but here is run down
Markovians Advantage-1
Zolhans Technique-1
Fighting spirit-1
Counter strike-5
Menhirs will-1
Field command-1
Squad tactics-4
Military conditioning-1
Shield training-1
Decorated soldier-1
Scars of battle-1

Wendigo totem-1
Blood pact-9 (12 at level 85 now level 76)
Tenacity of the boar-9 (12 @ 85)
Storm touched-9 (12 @ 85)
Wind devil-1
Raging tempest-1
Maelstrom-9 (12 @ 85)
Grasping vines-1
Entangling vines-9 (12 @ 85)
Primal bond-9 (12 @ 85)
Magdrogen pact-1
Heart if the wild-2
Oak skin-2
Devouring swarm-1

Sailors guide
Ulo the keeper of the waters
Empty throne
Scales of ulema
Rhowen crown
5 points away from finishing up huntress