Nemesis - some are too weak, some too strong, or maybe ideally balanced?

If it’s here and level 100, it’s facetanked him (other than the Spellbinder, which sided with Barrow):

And I sure as hell didn’t take Ulo on a DW Witchblade. :smiley:

Dispelling buffs/debuffs has nothing to do with what the debuff involves, only whether a particular flag is set in the debuff to allow it to be dispelled. But all nonstacking effects (Reduced Target’s X) can be dispelled. Very handy in AoM, you can dispell the -Max Health auras on Oppressors/Regurgitators.

Not gonna take the time to nitpick the rest of your comment, because frankly it’s just filled with so many self-contradictions that I don’t feel I should need to.

Can Reaper kill you? Yes. Will he? Not if you pay attention.

Just like every other Nemesis.

Edit: Also, if you do get RR/DA debuffed and can’t handle the influx of more damage, so what? Take a few seconds for it to wear off and return to facerolling this simple-minded Wendigo.

Huh. Good to know. I’d assume it’s an AI thing where the dispel removes a buff that he is programmed to keep up forever and thusly needs to recast.

Sounds like a bug tbh

Interested in this part cause I am always looking for opportunities to improve my phrasing and what better way to do that than an internet argument :smiley:

Also mind providing a video of that WB against the reaper. Not saying you’re lying but I just want to see how the fight looks like on a char w/o nullify or Cleansing Waters

I seem to recall you weren’t an HC fan

Well if you insist, here’s the big flaw:

So, in summary, taking one Devotion constellation with a nullify/good resists is worse than

  • Rebuilding your entire character to acquire a meaningful sum of Projectile Deflection
  • Removing/Nullifying a good chunk of your build
  • Kiting, which is also the alternative strategy for fighting any difficult fight in the entire game (other than old-Loxmere and Valdaran). What’s the difference between kiting MQ when her aura is up and kiting Reaper when you’re debuffed?

I’m…not really sure I agree with this logic.

I’ll see about that video, but this week is pretty busy and I already have two other GD videos I want to record first sitting on my backlog.

If your character’s devotion path is nowhere near Ulo or can’t pick it up without sacrificing something major, then yes, it is worse.

Not to mention you can get decent projectile dodge chance without sacrificing anything. My cold Infiltrator can reach around 60% and i wasn’t even trying.

About having to remove projectiles to fight her, just don’t touch her while the aura is on. Don’t have to sacrifice anything, besides 5 more seconds to kill her.

Like I said bad phrasing. I hope the next one is phrased in a better way

-Infiltrators and Demo hybrids can use Deflection.
-Vitality characters can most likely outheal it if they don’t use too many projectiles
-Physical and Pierce builds will unlikely have any projectiles flying around besides maybe Blades of wrath which they should unbind for the fight as effectively the unbind would be an effective DPS increase since you get more staying power (although Superfluff has demonstrated her aura can be dealt with while using this devotion)
-And lastly, high HP regen builds like your own can counter it
-Ranged enemies can kill her easily as long as they maintain a distance

For builds who cannot stack deflection, do not have the recommended levels of ADCtH or HP regen their best option is to kite during the aura’s uptime which isn’t that bad since when it’s down she’s a harmless kitten. I just listed general build types, naturally exceptions to the above list will probably exist.

In my original post I did not mean to imply builds need to be redone to deal with her aura, I just wanted to show her abilities can be countered through different means unlike the Reaper imo.

About having to survive DA/Resist shred, just don’t touch Reaper while you’re debuffed. Don’t have to sacrifice anything, besides 5 (6, actually) more seconds to kill him.

Also gl;hf reaching 60% deflect on something like a Death Knight.

Shar’Zul has Resist shred
Anasteria has resist shred
Valdaran has Resist Shred
And Ben (LOL)

I don’t feel the need to kite any of them when they shred my resists. Reaper’s RR capabilities seem much superior to any one of these three which quite frankly is baffling.

I already addressed this in a previous post

Beware, maybe unpopular opinion incoming!

I try to place the difficulty of Nemesis compared to other enemies how they should be in my opinion:

From Weak to Hard:

  1. White Enemy
  2. Yellow Enemy
  3. Hero
  4. World Bosses (Rolderathis, etc.)
  5. Act Bosses
  6. End Bosses
  7. Rogue Dungeon End Bosses (perhaps 6 and 7 are the same…)
  8. Nemesis
  9. Super Bosses

This sequence isn´t always true because for some builds something is harder than for others. I didn´t mention Guardians/Mad Queen, don´t really know where to place them.

But that is not my point. My point is that I think a few of the Nemesis are too weak for that what they should be in this game. Benn´Jahr, Moosiluke, even Fabius. They are farm content without even a real risk of dying if you play a little bit smart (imo). And, they´re optional content for me. Besides Beast Faction (which is now changed) and perhaps Chthonic/Aetherial you have to actively and voluntary have to spawn them. And when you do that, face the consequences! :wink:

I am not speaking about abilities here; that is other peoples job. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I have a few big “Buts”, when doing this:
a) No Nemesis in Rogue Dungeons!
b) There has to be a clear message (not only a weak sound!) when entering an area, where a Nemesis has spawned. Something like “A great evil has entered this area!”. Player´s should have the possibility to avoid them.
c) Nemesis should give a decent amount of loot. Legendary MI would/could be perfect.

As ever…imho.

Because apparently being under DA shred/RR is the same as not touching Mad Queen when her aura is on. :rolleyes:

It’s not like when you try to back off from him and suddenly one of his wps goes off and he either deals heavy damage or you die.

I’m gonna stand my ground on how a Nemesis having STACKABLE RR is terrible, terrible game design and needs to go away.

So if it were the same degree of total RR but couldn’t be stacked, it’d be fine? :rolleyes:

The issue is the total it can reach now because of the possible stacking, so i don’t know why you think i would think it would be fine. What would be fine if either his RR removed, the wraiths RR was removed or the Wraiths RR was changed to flat.

Not sure why so many people list the Mad Queen on the same level as a Nemesis. She has a one-shot kill skill (or rather, two skills - one reduces your resistance significantly, the other does huge damage because of this) but it is quite obvious when she is using it, and not that hard to avoid, other than that you just need to stay out of the poison pools and deal with her healing skills. I’d say Bollag, Keeper of the Gates in the Candle District is just as dangerous as her - does huge Aether damage, can blitz-rush you, stun you, and pretty sure he reduces resistances as well.

I have not met Grava’Thul yet, but I saw Arcane monster heroes since the patch, and the big purple orb they fire is pretty easy to see and avoid if you want to. Sure, if you are facetanking him it would be hard to avoid, but mostly, you would not want to facetank a Nemesis.

This, exactly! You are not supposed to just run into a Nemesis fight heedless of the dangers. I make it a point to kite all enemies away and clear the area of them before I engage a Nemesis. ESPECIALLY Kubacabra, as he brings his own team, so to speak. Usually you will see the glow of the Nemesis Stash before you meet them, plus many of the Nemesises are pretty large too and have visual effects. In case I do literally run into one (was often the case with Benn’Jahr, me thinking it was just a misplaced Obsidian Ravager which tends to happen if you are over despised with Ch’thonians), then I backtrack to areas I already cleared of enemies and lure the Nemesis there so I have enough space to run around.

I have yet to go to the rift after the latest patch, do Ekket’Zul and Dravis’ golem still spawn practically next to each other?

It has not changed. Even the debuff description of Eruption of Dread says “The wraith’s demise fills you with dread”, so yes, it is triggered on their death. And there are two types of wraith debuffs, Spiteful Wraiths have Eruption of Dread which lowers Elemental, Vitality and Aether resistance, while Ancient Wraiths have Eruption of Despair that lowers Physical resistance.
And couple THAT with the Dread/Despair Aura of the living wraiths, which lowers the same resistances respectively and stacks with the Eruptions…

Not fast enough… my Blademaster has only 57% bleeding resistances on Elite and I keep dying to Kuba as a result. He (or rather, they) hits me enough times, and no matter if I run away, my HP keeps dropping like a stone, even with a reduced reload time Pneumatic Burst to help me. Plus, Kubacabra is super fast - my character has max +135% run speed, and they can still catch up to me. All I can do is hit them a lot and run away, then wait for the bleed and poison to work. But once, I ended up with 3 at the same time (1 Enduring and two Tenacious) and that was a deadly combination, until I died, came back and managed to kite them away one by one.

Bleeding resistance is the main resistance you want to overcap against Kuba. I forgot to mention his breath attack but that attack is actually somewhat easy to dodge, even when you are very close to him (just run in the same direction the breath is going).

I would, but I found no way so far, which is head-scratching to me at this point in the game’s history. We have various Ointments that increase all resistances… except Bleed and Pierce. And far too many tough monsters do bleed damage. I may be allied with the wrong faction (Kymon) too, but despite being on Revered with anyone but the Legion so far, I have not seen any augment that increases bleed resistance. Nor any component I could use for that effect either… For Pierce and Vitality you have a lot of options with augments and components.

I posted about his breath being easy to avoid, as he tends to stand still and you can see he is going to breathe.
Oh, and one other annoying thing about Kubacabra… well, it’s not HIS fault, but there are other Leafmane heroes who look just like him. :smiley:

Yoknar does bleed damage too, even. Gave me a heart attack when I stumbled into him! :smiley:

For components silk swatch or ugdenbog leather. For armor augs all the expansion reps offer bleed resistance, for jewelry devils crossing.

It’s Gabal’Thun, iirc. Ekket’Zul is the first Rylok you face and is also the boss of Act V (assuming you don’t antagonize Ulgrim)
Defeating him grants access to the part of the rift where Ulgrim is

Finally killed Reaper on Ultimate with Chthon’s Maelstrom build, thoughts:

  1. Is tankable, provided you have decent defence and enough AoE to clear the wraiths. With blast shield and bloodthirster up I could burst him down to under 50% health pretty quickly, so a build better able to leverage survivability increasing skills/procs he’d be relatively easy.

  2. The stackable resistance debuff needs to die in a fire, most of my deaths were due to that allowing him to hit like a truck, and since it’s hard to notice with all the other stuff going on it lead to a lot of unfair and “how the f*ck?..” feeling deaths.

  3. Can be killed though, as long as the wraiths are dealt with and you take into account the weakness of your build. Though the slow down on his 360 projectile attack could do with a nerf, since of course it’s stackable.

As for Kupa - pretty easy, took longer than Reaper due to the blood pools, main trick is to focus on one his offspring at a time to prevent the number of clones rising above 3 and so be less likely to get hit with 4 breath attacks at once.

Not sure, how are they even comparable. MQ deals the strongest retaliation spike in the entire game, which is a gimmick, because it gets activated more often on projectiles. That is her main problem, not a resistant reduction, which isn’t even that significant - 38 flat, last I checked. She also has multiply health reduction abilities along with leech. That is what makes her like a Nemesis.
Bollag, on the other hand, doesn’t do resist reduction at all. His stun is tankable, because in AoM every single build gets around stun res. Same with Aether damage. In comparison to MQ and her frequent periods, which chew your health like no tomorrow, he is a puppy.

Why? If your build can facetank 99% content in the game, including Ravager, why would it not tank a simple Nemesis, for example? If you a heavily defensive Soldier, why would you not try to facetank him in Melee, because that’s why you’re supposed to do? More even, the Null is much harder to avoid for melee, since despite it being telegraphed, it’s also cast in a much shorter range. And even then, if your build has multiple circuit-breakers and numerous other means to mitigate damage, why do you have to kite?
Finally, since most of the builds survive on auras and buffs, why would you give such dangerous ability to Nemesis, strongest types of enemies in the game, which are already strong? But okay, this might not be a problem if Grava was optional… except he basically isn’t, since he spawns in only a few areas.
I honestly can go on and on. The problem is, Null either has to go, or significantly reworked for Grava.

The previous post was about Aleksander, actually. So… he is not large, can be easily lost in a huge crowd of Malmouth mobs, can oneshot you with his Meteor, and you won’t even notice, while you are clearing the area.

If they want a nullifying enemy then Arcane Heroes and Loxmere are fine since they’re glass. But if they want a tough enemy to nullify us then I’d vote for giving it a Super Boss

A nemesis with such an ability makes things very annoying. It’s kinda similar to pre-nerf Kuba where builds could kill him but it was a big chore since the entire fight was tedious
I’d much rather see Grava follow tradition and turn Super Saiyan like Ben and Shar’Zul at low health

If this is a problem then give him a suit of permanent armor that makes him stand out in a crowd.
Tbh, I sometimes fail to spot the Maiden in a crowd. All though in her case “You don’t fine the Maiden, she finds you!!!” :D:D

Maiden is pretty easy to find, all you need is to know you just got blitzed by a chick on crack.

And i agree about Aleksander being actually hard to find in a pack mobs. Every other Nemeses is either big or have an audio cue (Fabius’s Pneumatic Burst). The only exception is Zantarin but he’s never in the middle of mobs, at least melee ones, because he never tries to go to melee range.

Aleksander on the other hand only has his voice clips and those are kind of hard to hear in a pack of mobs. I think the teleporting he has makes it worse.