Nemesis - some are too weak, some too strong, or maybe ideally balanced?

Okay then how about giving his character model Allagast Set and Gilded Visage?

I think he should be easy to spot with that attire.

I mean, Aleksander is easy to spot. You either see some projectile flying around or a green flame-breath and most of the time wonder what is that, also sometimes a big rock falls from the sky and kills you, and you’re like: “Oh! That was Aleksander! I finally found him!”, meanwhile you realize you were playing Hardcore and your character is gone. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s actually kind of fun (at least to me) that you don’t even realize he’s there and he attacks you. I once killed him without realizing it’s him because I was in door and the house was kind of big so the meteor never reached me. After I went forward, I saw a nemesis trove and I was like “I finally found Aleksander!”, but the trove was unlocked.

He could have a little aura that would make it easier to see him, but I like it the way it is now. :stuck_out_tongue:

In a pack of mobs? No, he’s not easy to find. I think it’s made worse by the fact his trove can sometimes be beneath an Aetherial Sentinel, completely covering it up.

Reaper of the lost isn’t that hard. My 2H healing tank warder facetanks him relatively easily without any problems. All you have to do is if you’re using a 2h build, attack his phantoms when he spawns them in because they give him a huge massive buff. He actually does a lot of pierce damage and not a little. When the phantoms are dead you wil start to see that his hits become very weak again. What you need is high pierce resistance, high vitality resistance and high bleed resistance. You will also need some physical resistance which is a bonus. Some avoid mele attack chance percantage if you have any gear that has that stat. You need 3k armor rating and 3k DA. 100% armor absorption. Damage absorption is an important stat also if you can get it and you need ADCH. You can EASILY life steal from the reaper. You can life steel even more from the phantoms he summons. Note: This fight is much easier using a shield build as i’m sure you guys know.

My forum dedicated to the reaper of the lost nemesis and my 2H ultos warder build that was used against him:

Yes, because every build can have this. Specially casters :rolleyes:

Doesn’t change the fact he can stack RR and kill you in a split second. Just because you have one tankiest combos doesn’t mean every other combo can tank as well.

True, I would agree with you on the caster builds point of view. I do recall seeing a druid build though with similar armor and defense not too long ago to mine but yes, overall when i’m using my caster build I do not try to facetank him anyways in the first place. I will say though that reaper of the lost tends to miss a lot for no apparent reason even without “chance to avoid mele attack” bonuses and even with lower DA. He has lower health than Grava’Thul whom I personally think is still much harder than reaper of the lost. I think he may have slightly more health than the giant form of kubacabra also or just about the same. I’ve atleast addressed the fact that you can still face tank reaper with a 2H build and not using shield builds to justify skill all the time. My point was more directed to the people who boast about using shields with retaliation and deflection bonuses. Sorry if I may have generalized a bit lol but as a caster build, I will say reaper of the lost is harder to kite than Grava’Thul and kubacabra. That’s atleast what I came to the conclusion of based off of my caster build. Simply because he hits very quickly and is always up your *** and his phantoms get in the way sometimes. :smiley:

Actually, Reaper has the same health as Grava’Thul. Kubacabra is the only nemesis that has low HP due to his massive healing.

If that’s the case then I guess it has to do with what type of damage each nemesis is vulnerable to or immune to. I was always able to kill reaper quicker than Grava’Thul and Kubacabra. Thanks for the info though.

All Nemeses have the same health, the only exception being the mentioned above Kubacabra.

Do you imagine if the big Kubacabra and all his split forms had each the same health as a regular Nemeses? It would be a pain in the ass to kill. Then again, each Moosilauke phase has the same health as a regular Nemeses, so technically he has nealy 10 million HP in Ultimate at level 106.

Kubacabra is already an annoyance due to the prolonged amount of unnecessary time wasted because of him running over his healing pools constantly. So yeah, I see your point. Not to mention he sometimes is hard to find. The same with benn’jhar. I can never find benn’jhar half of the time while searching for him.

I can only comment on my one-time encounter with Valdaran, and only from an experiential perspective:

Weak-Sauce. Aside from his disco ABBA move he lacked any sense of challenge. He also seemed to have no desire to kill me, by which I mean that he lacks a proactive attack strategy and is happy to see you break contact without chasing you down --ABBA not withstanding. Beef up his ranged attack and improve the AI on its usage imho.

I think I bumped into Kubacabra today in Ugdenbog but I’m uncertain – he’s the beasty blowhard with the breath attack? He went down but I’m not sure if it was him as it was all a bit frenetic. Aside from the strongest enemy killed entry, is there a way to know which Nemesis have been encountered? If not, then there ought to be imho.

If you found a nemesis trove, you found Kuba, if you didn’t it must’ve been a hero monster (one looks similar to Kuba, but is smaller).

You can’t really check which nemesis you killed, but you can check which group you’re nemesis with and then you’ll know the nemesis will spawn.

Increasing Valdaran’s damage (flat) won’t help him. He deals mainly Lightning damage which can be easily overcapped and increased to like 91%. If he will deal 40k damage when you have 0 lightning resist, he will only do 3600 damage. He needs either physical damage to his skills or health damage. If they want to make him pure base lightning damage only, they’d need to make him very strong and therefore he’ll annihilate non-optimized builds.

Why I recommend adding health or physical damage to the kit? Simply because you can’t mitigate 80% of physical damage with all characters and health damage is (theoretically) impossible to reduce.

Other recommendation that I just thought of is reducing his teleport cooldown to a very low amount so he can sit on you all the time, but then characters that need to kite would have a big issue if we talk about killing him (or kiting). So the best way is to add health or physical damage to his skills.

I’ll go back and check as I missed Valdaran’s drop initially and only stumbled upon it an hour or so later whilst doing something else.

Damn. That’s a shame. The faction window is OK but needs this additional info imho. I’m on really bad terms with Aetherials, Beasts and Undead.

Or give him Null and RR. But Null is a major game changer when it hits you so it might make him OP? I’m really not experienced enough to discuss his abilities in depth but having checked his entry he is a bit weak on those fronts.

Nullification shouldn’t be in any other kit than Grava’s. He already has resist reduction, but it’s way too easy to overcap lightning resistance (I had over 190% overcap on some characters, lol).

Valdaraan is a bit strange, not very dangerous at all if encountered in the campaign and honestly a bit dull.

But in crucible in combination with other nemesis his teleporting is downright lethal. Sometimes.

The same can be said for benn’jhar in the crucible. He by himself is a walk in the park. But when there are 2 of him and zantarin the order of death vigil nemesis together, it’s a whole different ball park.

Grava’thul is hell in the crucible only if there are other bosses around him.

I will admit though that reaper of the lost is kind of broken in terms of damage and him making contact with you. I met 2 of him in the crucible and they both missed all of their attacks 99% of the time. But very very very rarely he will come out and hit me for 10k+hp…Just out of the blue, bam, 10k hp gone. This is only in the crucible and not him in the main game. In the main game he’s slightly better but is still sometimes unpredictable. He is definitely not harder than the ravager version of him though. Not even close

Yes he does, I missed that for some reason.

No, it wasn’t Kubacabra but I did bump into him while looking for a potentially missed drop:

In hindsight, he’s definitely not something easily mistaken for an Hero. First thoughts on a first encounter: Yeah, he’s a bad ass and he killed me 4 times before I found a way.

I can’t say that I was overly impressed by facing three(?) clones that were equally fast having already put in a half marathon’s worth of kiting, so maybe slow those down a bit?

A good challenge imho.

I just found something that I think is very bad about Kubacabra: If you kill him twice in Ultimate you’ll earn the Nemesis Mehmesis achievement. I think that’s just plain wrong. I now have that achievement sitting on my books, and I sure as hell don’t feel like I’ve earned it :mad:

As a HC only player, I don’t want anything to do with the AoM Nemeses. I had many close calls when one came out of nowhere while I was already debuffed by other things, they put me in the red the second they show up. The moment I hit max rep with any AoM faction, I stop going there entirely with this character.
Zantarin’s shotgun in comparison is nothing, dude does literally nothing half the time and you can easily tell when he’s casting the shotgun.
I’d much rather see unique mechanics like Valdaran and the teleport/swap than “dodge this or you’re dead”.

Bosses in general are the weakest part of GD for me and nemeses don’t do enough to change my mind.

I am an SC player but imo “that guy” with nullification is the bane of HC chars because of his ability to debuff things like Overguard Mirror and Aether Clusters (No idea if he can debuff Mark of Torement or Blast Shield as well)