Nemesis - some are too weak, some too strong, or maybe ideally balanced?

Anything that isn’t an XP potion :stuck_out_tongue:

vindictive flame stays on for some reason. I’m assuming it’s a bug

power of some brave dude named Ulzuin, working as intended.:rolleyes:

It’s just cruel that the only aura to survive the orb will do absolutely nothing to keep you alive. It might as well be gone too :rolleyes:

Spectral Binding is also not nullified. But these two were already reported and most likely fixed in the next update.

I hope the bug regarding a nemesis having nullifcation is getting fixed as well :stuck_out_tongue:

In all honesty, i’m kind of happy that Grava’Thul has a unique ability like that. If you were to get rid of Grava’Thul’s nullification ability then he would end up being the guy in cinder wastes who’s name is, “Gabal’Thunn, the Visage of Madness.” But minus the flapping wings chaos damage ability from Grava’Thul. Now they’re essentially the same boss and there would be nothing special about him.

Except it’s not an unique ability since several enemies already have it like Loxmere and Arcane heroes. And the attack that nullifies is already unique to him without the need of nullification.

He, and any Nemesis for that matter, should not have nullification, period. It doesn’t matter if the attack takes 1000000000000 years to reach you even if you are just one feet away from him, you don’t give something that absurd to one of the strongest enemies in the game. Specially in a game super reliant on buffs.

And this is coming from someone who killed him several times with different builds and died only once.

It only lasts for about 4 seconds. You can even run his orbs into a wall to stop them from getting to you quicker. He would be way too easy if the devs took it away from him just like if you took away kuba’s healing puddles away or reapers phantom ability. They would all be too easy. The devs wanted their AoM nemesis’s to be atleast somewhat challenging. People were complaining about him ever since because the devs fixed him so he uses that ability more frequently. If you look at vids from grava, everyone was able to cheese him. Now, not as easily. There are still shield build that can tank him even when nullified.

Here’s a vid from Mauricius facetanking grava’thul even when nullified:

They even nerfed his a annihilation orb damage and casting speed for it by 33% in patch But this vid was made during patch

If a Nemesis becomes too easy over the removal of single, broken ability, then that Nemesis is extremely poorly designed to begin with.

I repeat, for the umpteenth time, it doesn’t matter how long it lasts and how easy it is to dodge - he shouldn’t have nullification, the end. Give him something else that doesn’t involve using one of the most broken abilities in the game.

This is my 2H warder build face tanking Grava’Thul through his nullification ability:

Here’s my same build face tanking reaper of the lost fully:

Not even using a shield :stuck_out_tongue: You can’t say that this isn’t impressive.

You need to remember that not everyone playing the game is sitting on a stash of every item in the game. I have roughly three hundred hours in this game now and I have managed to collect one complete set.

There’s an awful lot of things in this game that are, actually, hard for players without the correct resources. The developer probably wishes to create a game that is enjoyable at all stages of play; so, I would imagine that making something as hard as imaginably possible is seldom discussed over at Crate (tell me I’m wrong?), rather, they likely discuss what is enjoyable by the largest number of people for the longest period of time.

I know, i’ve been working on that build for 3 months. I don’t have every piece of gear in the game either. How do I get pieces of armor etc. quicker anyways? I go on multiplayer and trade. Of course it depends on how you want to play though. But some people say you need specific builds for certain bosses and if said build doesn’t match with the right build for said certain boss then it won’t work. That’s where I try to prove them wrong :slight_smile: And it’s an accomplishment if a different build works against a certain boss that you thought wouldn’t have normally worked against. It gives players new ideas about creating unique builds.

It’s a cool build and the video shows it worked – he nearly got you a couple of times though :smiley:

I purchased via GoG so MP and Trading are kind of difficult to say the least. I have purchased crucible, as I hear that it’s good for farming, but I haven’t really taken it for a ride yet – took my toon to lvl 100 this evening just to see what was what (killed Sentinel there :().

Lol thanks :stuck_out_tongue: I use the crucible when creating new characters to get a few extra devotion points. The gear Gets good once you hit level 150 in the crucible. It’s pure luck and patience if you can get to 150. Although the build is important but you will start to see that you will have to play ring around the rosy at 130+ lol. Too many enemies get on the screen and you have to fight the frame drops :rolleyes:

Currently, my game is at a stage in the campaign (lvl98 Ultimate Barrowholm) where every encounter is beginning to resemble what I see in videos of the Crucible @150. It’s gone crazy out there!

Step out my door and BAM! Three Heroes mob comes my way with a small army in tow just for the lulz, see them off… BAM! Super Boss comes along with a few more Heroes in tow and a frickin marching band, see them off and turn the corner… Bam! Kubacabra … “Oh FFS”, says I. “I’m never saving this world: It’s doomed.”.

I remember when I used to earn XP, they were the good old days!