Neutralizing damage type conversions


When going through my stash it happens time and again that I am finding a great fit for the current build, except for the item having the “wrong” damage type conversion on it.

It could enable more versatility in gear choices if we had, for example, an armor augment neutralizing any in-built damage conversions on the item. What do you think? :slight_smile:

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keep in mind some stuff has conversion to “prevent” being used in some combos - also same reason Arcanist star pact got aether conversion added because too many binders was using it for CDR :sweat_smile:

I had many times concluded to same issue when making pierce builds with oleron gloves, since getting flat rr is so hard and gloves would fit so well… once you pair it with aura of conviction it destroys it.

Same thing happens with beronath sword, also I wanted to make chaos oriented dark one build but u cant cuz again ur mentioned wrong conversions! :confused:

gloves forced me to remake some builds before 1.2, had really nice/greedy pierce infil with RR on gloves instead of devos

beronath happened because forced aura toggle in 1.2, which also impacted blood orb builds :confused: - and was already suggested to make item aura conversion player activated to not cause this… :woozy_face:

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