OK !
So this is my mini-guide for a very EARLY level up for when you create new char.
It’s easy, works best with ranged builds, but not that big of a problem for melee ones.
- The main ideea of this guide is to get ur char to lvl 99-100 BEFORE starting ulti diff.
Ofc there are faster ways to get to ulti, but with a lower lvl, but that would not be an “early” high lvl up.
This will only work if u already have Crucible, a char that has max level reputation at Malmouth Faction, and some specific items that u can find by trade, craft, at shops or by farm.
- Items needed:
Potion of Clarity (http://www.grimtools.com/db/items/7462) +100%exp
You buy it at Steelcap shop in Malmouth once u reach max level rep with their faction -
Lokarr’s Spoils Set (http://www.grimtools.com/db/itemsets/135) +40%exp
Trade for it, a lot of players have it, or this is how you get it : Spoiler http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65456 -
Hermit’s Legguards (http://www.grimtools.com/db/search?query=hermit&in_description=0&exact_match=0) +4%exp
They will most likely drop in early act 1. -
Wretched Necessity (http://www.grimtools.com/db/search?query=Necessity&in_description=0&exact_match=0) +8%exp
Bounty Hunter’s Girdle (http://www.grimtools.com/db/items/1045) +5%exp - Craftable
Medals with +%exp from any shops, even in crucible (http://www.grimtools.com/db/category/medals/items) +3/4/5/6%exp
Any weapon with “Officer’s” preffix (http://www.grimtools.com/db/search?query=officer’s&in_description=0&exact_match=0) +5/8%exp
-> Until u can use all, any items u find will do, cause u already have Potion and Lokkar set.
For fast movement use:
- Riftsone (http://www.grimtools.com/db/items/2862)
- Alkamos’ Warsword if u can (http://www.grimtools.com/db/search?query=Alkamos’%20Warsword&in_description=0&exact_match=0).
…happy blademasters…
- Step 1
Create a new VETERAN char and go directly in Crucible, get ur items from the stash.
Start 1st round, and at 1st wave go in the map’s monster spawning area and kill urself. Dying will get u lvl 2. Go collect reward. (HC ? dont die lol )
Restart arena, and clear 1st round (1st 10 waves), and collect ur reward, now u are level 12.
Buy Devotion Points
Now go to buffs guy in crucible, and BUY DEV POINTS. U can do the 1st round (1st 10 waves) again and again as long u feel right, so u can buy more dev points. They will eventually get more expensive and you will have to start normal story. I personally didn’t do this, so this should give u some extra level ups until u buy 5-7-10 dev points.
- Step 2
Start ur campaign story on VETERAN game and go directly to Hargate’s Isle (http://grimdawn.wikia.com/wiki/Hargate’s_Isle) and kill all enemies on island, even if u cant open the cellar, u will get lvl 13.
Use Faction Mandates to fast level up reputation so u can get more quests from factions earlier. (http://www.grimdawn.com/guide/character/factions.php#q11)
When leveling up, until u finish Veteran diff, put just 1 point in skills you are going to use, and rest in the base mastery, so u can reach 50 very early. You should have both masteries at 50 when u are lvl 50.
Choose your skills with attention cause your build will very much determine ur killing speed -> your time played.
So clear entire map so you dont miss some of them. Exp from quests will be half of ur total exp if not more.
Clearing the entire map u will also find al lot of notes which also gives u good exp for new chars.
Don’t kill all monsters, pass few ones, and kill large hoards and heroes/champions/etc only.
After you kill The Warden, you should be lvl 30, if u did all quests until then. You can now do Hidden Path (Spoiler http://grimdawn.wikia.com/wiki/The_Hidden_Path) in act 1 and it will give u another half exp bar filled.
When u arrive in Homestead, again, if u did all quests until then, you should be lvl 48-49-50. And you should be level 60-61 when u reach and activate Necropolis Interior Portal , still being on Veteran Diff
And that’s it. You dont pretty much have to do anything else. The ideea is to use those items, so u can reach a max of 170% increased exp gained with them on and potion ofc, and do all quests.
If u are a range build its much faster, cause u can keep Lokkar Set a lot longer, i kept it with my purifier until lvl 75, but with melee it might be just a lil more harder cause the set doesnt give armor, and u have somewhere around 200 armor, if u dont have a shield.
-> When you reach lvl 75-80 you can take of your +%exp items, and change them with better gear, cause monsters stop giving exp, at least on elite,
BUT always remember to put them back on when going to finish a quest and collect ur reward for it, cause it will increase the exp gained.
I leveled up my Purifier to 100 before starting Ultimate, but lvl 99 to 100 i leveld up in Crucible. HAVE FUN !!!
If you want to get very fast to Ulti diff you can just do the main campaign, but u would arrive there with a lower lvl (75-80ish)