New difficulty mechanics in campaign in FG

Hi all!


IF we can chose to start in Elite or Ultimate or just skip specific things in normal, can we get them doing on the highest difficulty?

I talk about:

Hidden Path

Minova Quest

If we do these on the highest difficulty in FG… can we please get the reward from all difficulties?
I mean… if there is finally an option to start from Ultimate we shouldn’t get forced to do the others anyway right?

Is there an info about this allready?

Dear God, Zantai! Light it up! Give me the answer i want! :smiley:


Big Z has said that any stat or skill point point rewards from the difficulty(ies) skipped will be given when you use the item to unlock the higher difficulty. That would include the quests in question.

Wow, thats nice to hear :smiley:

This would make twinking so much more fun and less frustrating^^

Thanks Sir!

From the 7th December stream:

"So the reason I’m opening up this guy today, notice he’s on normal difficulty, nothing substantial, he’s level 2, got a mastery to select, there’s Oathkeeper, got 3 skill points, I’ve already spent his attribute points, but oh look. In my inventory are two new items we’re going to be introducing with the Forgotten Gods expansion. What are these items you might ask? They are Merits, similar to the Crucible, you now get to use these items in the main campaign. What they do is allow you to unlock higher difficulties on your new characters. So I’ve got a Champion’s Merit that unlocks Elite and I’ve got the Saviour’s Merit that unlocks Ultimate. And that means you immediately get access to new difficulties, you immediately get all of the attribute and skill point rewards that any quest on lower difficulties would have given you which means you don’t have to go back to Normal, you don’t have to go back to Elite, if you want to start on Ultimate you will immediately get those points. You will immediately get all of the inventory bags which you would have unlocked and you immediately get all of the riftgates on the lower difficulties. Boom! 4 more attribute points, 7 skill points. Just like that. Now if I go to the main menu and click this little thing here, oh look I’m level 2 going into Ultimate difficulty!

Thewordbearer : will we need to go to lower difficulties to get devo shrines?

And that is the other thing that comes with these tokens. In Forgotten Gods we are not only enabling every single shrine that is in the world on every difficulty in the game, we’re going to be adding new shrines to the world in places you haven’t before had shrines. And that means, if you go straight to Ultimate difficulty you will be able to get all 55 devotion points in one single playthrough. On top of that, with the upcoming patch we will be buffing the bonuses from Warrants, from Mandates and Writs so you can get your reputations up faster on your alts than ever before."

Hi there!

Thanks a lot for that response.

Those words just came back in my mind when you wrote that. They were just somewhere hidden in my brain. :smiley:

Boom! 4 more attribute points, 7 skill points. Just like that.

I think i missed that when i watched that stream. Maybe i was too overwhelmed at that moment, haha.

Great to see such good forum behavior from the mods!

Greetings :slight_smile:

I think if you’re going to start on Ultimate you’ll need those extra points!

I had heard we could skip to Elite/Ultimate on alts but I was unaware of the full details surrounding it and the devotion shrine changes. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard.:D:D:D:D

I have multiple characters around level ~75 exped with exp pots and lokarr set who just finished veteran but i’m too unmotivated to coninue with them through elite since monster level in elite is limited to 80 or so and it feels so dull to play without getting exp and drops. These difficulty skippers is a gift from Heavens for me.

Of course if you didn’t use XP/Lokarr set you probably wouldn’t have that problem. :wink:

Yeah, but still, 3 required gameplays is too many. Especially for someone like me who did not like any black spots on the map ^^ It’s okay to play normal-elite-ultimate with your first char to catch up game mechanics & the world layout, but later…

Some of the AoM areas have higher level limit than 80 in Elite.

Of course playing elite is waste of time if you are playing twinked.

Playing elite is always a waste of time imo.